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  1. TheRejectionist

    NATO Military News

    Must be reàlly effective. Though I mentioned thàt compàred to whàt I hàve. They still sound better thàn Tusk unless you give more reàsons to believe they àre the other side of the coin.
  2. TheRejectionist

    NATO Military News

    @Batrix2070 @Buba I feel sorry for Poland's fate just as I did with what happened with Artsakh (now again nagorno-karabakh with an humiliating self defeat publicized on Twitter). Now I might have a vision different that you guys, but PiS looked what I would vote in Italy and best for a country...
  3. TheRejectionist

    NATO Military News

    By the way, how the fuck those EU bastards won the election and why the fuck the media talks like there is no way to stop it?
  4. TheRejectionist

    NATO Military News

    It is more that lots of the elites wanted to shag the working class so the offshored everything to China.
  5. TheRejectionist

    NATO Military News

    That's debatable in my opinion. Though I won't debate that 1917 and what followed was the classic chronic illness of East Europe of "it was bad and then it got worse". And that's being generous.
  6. TheRejectionist

    NATO Military News

    Now I think if I was the current or previous gov of SVK I would have gone with the latest IMI TAVOR or the MSBS Grot B.
  7. TheRejectionist

    NATO Military News

    That's a very interesting combo of equipment. Why so diverse?
  8. TheRejectionist

    NATO Military News

    That remains to be seen. So basically your DOD and other agencies related defense are enjoying spending your own countrymen's tax dollars being used on stuff that only MIGHT work? So you MIGHT learn it later if it actually does?
  9. TheRejectionist

    NATO Military News

    You guys spend à lot of money on overengineered stuff, so it wouldn't surprise me you guys made someone build an already overpriced plane and at the same time cut corners somewhere. Your government is notorious to routinely wàste money on tech trinkets.
  10. TheRejectionist

    NATO Military News

    So this happened àppàrently.