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  1. TheRejectionist

    The ol' 'Rona - got sick? Got vaccinated? Tell us!

    Good luck!
  2. TheRejectionist

    The ol' 'Rona - got sick? Got vaccinated? Tell us!

    Just wrote to you!
  3. TheRejectionist

    The ol' 'Rona - got sick? Got vaccinated? Tell us!

    Texas is one of the few places I would love to visit and/or study, and/or work, together with Florida. I think I would fair decently considering I speak four languages (Italian,Spanish,Portuguese and well I am writing in the de facto language of the United States). How are Universities there ?
  4. TheRejectionist

    The ol' 'Rona - got sick? Got vaccinated? Tell us!

    Italian here. Caught my first recorded coof in Barcelona. August-September 2021. Viral load said absent. When I got my negative test result I immediatly flew the next day. Getting the shitty Green Pass took a month and half. It is valid until March 2022, problem will be after because...