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  1. The Original Sixth

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    To be fair, if you had to stand up there and lie through your teeth about Biden's policies and cock-ups, you'd emotionally distance yourself too.
  2. The Original Sixth

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    Which wouldn't be an issue of Ukraine and Russia weren't both blocked off from international trade.
  3. The Original Sixth

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    Late to answer this, yeah--that's exactly what it is. From what I read, literally just him having "emergency mobile abortion clinics" near the borders of red states from blue states. C'mon, we all know Biden isn't the one making decisions here. It's decisions by committee. Which is great when...
  4. The Original Sixth

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    Or without moral conscience.
  5. The Original Sixth

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    I see what he's aiming for and at least he addresses the issue of infanticide as an issue worth discussing, but he came to the shocking ghoulish conclusion that most people avoid.
  6. The Original Sixth

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    Ah, is she influenced by the mass shootings? You already seemed to have explained the issue of mental health, but is she aware that taking the guns away won't stop the killing? Lone-terrorists will use any means of inflicting death; cars, bombs, and knives. We've seen that in Europe and the US.
  7. The Original Sixth

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    What's her deal with guns?
  8. The Original Sixth

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    While some black people are also jumping in on it, it seems it's mostly white liberals. They seem happy enough when black people vote the way they want, but they get PISSED of a black man has ideas of his own.
  9. The Original Sixth

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    Lol, Twitter is bitching and moaning that it wouldn't have cared if the coach was Muslim or Jewish. That's an interesting deflection. "Hey, a coach should be able to lead prayer at a school event." "No religion in schools or government! REEEE!" "The Court says he can!" "Well...they wouldn't...
  10. The Original Sixth

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    Bacle, there are two ways I see this. Either they're going to allow abortions on Federal Land* or they're going to ship people to other states to get the procedure. They can't just roll up to an abortion clinic or a hospital in the state, get an abortion, laugh, and drive off. That's not how it...
  11. The Original Sixth

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    Guys, you're getting worked up over what the Pentagon said. This is basically them just stamping their feet. How many women actually serve in the armed forces? Probably less than a million? So less than 1% of all women in the country? Many of whom, probably don't want to abort their kids for...
  12. The Original Sixth

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    This is wrong, but don't get too angry. This is a small number of people in the grand scheme of things. Funny, I wonder how the Pentagon would feel if States were to suddenly declare that they will no longer honor drafting laws? I think the Union will hold. Let's at least wait to see what...
  13. The Original Sixth

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    I guess we know who the Pentagon is batting for. Let them scream and stamp their feet. It's a small portion of the female population within the military and it won't change the overall momentum. In fact, I dare say this will have the opposite effect. The Federal government has for too long held...
  14. The Original Sixth

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    Dead serious indeed. Because anyone who tries it will be shot dead. Their leadership knows that. They also know that it doesn't matter which city they burn to the ground; the point is to get attention and to intimidate through media. More proof that antifa is a terrorist organization.
  15. The Original Sixth

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    Although this looks bad... Might be a rough night for DC...
  16. The Original Sixth

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    How is this the same as the 2020 riots?
  17. The Original Sixth

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    Well, I guess we'll see, but I don't get the feeling that a riot is forthcoming. Usually the left likes to hide behind things like racial issues, because it makes it impossible for the right to call them out on their behavior, because white antifa terrorists will hide behind black people and...
  18. The Original Sixth

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    I think artificial womb tech has the potential to be a disaster. Do you really want to hand the power over to the state to create humans? I'd argue that there are legitimate reasons for someone to get an abortion. But as far as I can tell, they are only justifiable (at all) if they are...
  19. The Original Sixth

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    I take it that SB is taking this all in stride?
  20. The Original Sixth

    SCOTUS Getting Shade Over Roe v Wade

    That happens regardless. The Democratic coalition has had this issue for decades. There are only two ways a Democrat President can win. Either they're so charismatic that everyone ignores the actual issues between the voting blocs OR the voting blocs hate the opposition so much, they all turn up...