1. The Original Sixth

    What could the various underspending on defence members of NATO afford if they met the 2% GDP spending requirement set by NATO

    What, you expect them to blame themselves? The deal was always going to fall through. There was no way that North Korea was actually going to give up those nuclear weapons. What Trump did do however, was convince the North Koreans to cease testing on ballistic missile technology. Because the...
  2. The Original Sixth

    What could the various underspending on defence members of NATO afford if they met the 2% GDP spending requirement set by NATO

    Yes. Because the South Koreans signed a one-sided trade agreement to benefit the USA. Not to mention that North Korea is a mostly exhausted country clinging desperately to a handful of crude, nuclear armed ballistic missiles. Whose leader is desperately trying to find a way to revive his country...
  3. The Original Sixth

    What could the various underspending on defence members of NATO afford if they met the 2% GDP spending requirement set by NATO

    Of course South Korea needs us as support against the North Koreans. That's why they capitulated on all of Trump's trade demands within the first year of him taking office. The US is getting out of the game of providing security to the rest of the world, because it harms our own geo-economic...
  4. The Original Sixth

    What could the various underspending on defence members of NATO afford if they met the 2% GDP spending requirement set by NATO

    Yes...right after Trump forced South Korea into a soul-crushing economic deal. Once again, if the US isn't getting paid, it isn't going to stay. Right now, yes. Yes of course we would. The issue is one of time. The US is losing interest in policing other countries. Trump is NOT the new normal...
  5. The Original Sixth

    What could the various underspending on defence members of NATO afford if they met the 2% GDP spending requirement set by NATO

    Yes, but that does not mean that this is an aggressive step against Russia. US and German relations are below sea level at this point, because of Trump and Merkel's meeting in 2017 and the following trade wars and demands for more military spending on NATO by Trump. The question comes down to...
  6. The Original Sixth

    What could the various underspending on defence members of NATO afford if they met the 2% GDP spending requirement set by NATO

    I'm aware of some of our doings in Poland, yes. Trump, despite all media pretenses, is not a Russian ally. He has no reason to make things easy for Russia, especially at the cost of American businesses in Poland, of which there is a strong presence. My position is that when the rubber hits the...
  7. The Original Sixth

    What could the various underspending on defence members of NATO afford if they met the 2% GDP spending requirement set by NATO

    Right now? Yes. Containment has gone on for nearly a hundred years now, so the US is going to continue it impart to some degree or another. And the invasion of Ukraine was certainly a shock to everyone, because I'm rather certain many policy makers within the US political system did not think...
  8. The Original Sixth

    What could the various underspending on defence members of NATO afford if they met the 2% GDP spending requirement set by NATO

    While those are problems, those are also problems that can be addressed with relative ease and quickness. The real issue is German dependency upon gas coupled with relative German weakness in inventory: German Ground Assets: Personnel 212,650 military personnel 182,650 active 30,000 reserve...
  9. The Original Sixth

    What could the various underspending on defence members of NATO afford if they met the 2% GDP spending requirement set by NATO

    We'd all be better off if Putin and his inner circle were doing this purely for nostalgic reasons. The truth is far worse and far more dangerous. The truth is that ethnic Russians are dying. Their medical system collapsed with the Soviet Union, as did their apprenticeship programs. The younger...