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  1. ThatZenoGuy

    Why get married

    That's a fun game to play, you have no standards either by my arbitrary rules.
  2. ThatZenoGuy

    Why get married

    Pffft, silly to ask for people not to be bad people. Endless people have asked for exactly that. Maybe we'd be in a better position if people listened for a change haha.
  3. ThatZenoGuy

    Why get married

    A<B But not A>B Good people can exist in a bad environment, but bad people will not create a good environment. This discussion is getting plain silly.
  4. ThatZenoGuy

    Why get married

    Oh come on man, the living conditions have nothing to do with what makes a good person, being good is in my opinion an objective thing. My point is that a lot of people, if not a majority, are not good people. And that is why living conditions suck. Good people make good environments, bad people...
  5. ThatZenoGuy

    Why get married

    Because if people were unloyal and unchaste we'd be living in some sort of hybrid of Weimar Germany and Sodom/Gomorrah, crossed with some cyberpunk dystopias. *Looks outside* Oh...
  6. ThatZenoGuy

    Why get married

    Because those are the principles that I believe make for a good person. :V
  7. ThatZenoGuy

    Why get married

    More chaste than a monk, more loyal than a hound.
  8. ThatZenoGuy

    Why get married

    Yeah well, how many ancient Greeks or Romans are running about today? Civilization seems to only really work if monogamy is practiced, monogamy with sluts is basically an oxymoron itself.
  9. ThatZenoGuy

    Why get married

    Chastity and loyalty are also foundational elements of stable civilization, can we work on those too? Without those, marriage might as well be defunct.
  10. ThatZenoGuy

    Why get married

    Nothing is inherently wrong with marriage. But modern marriages+modern women makes it too risky. Certainly a lot of men have happy lives married to their wives. But for the love of god learn what risk assessment and risk management strategies are, if something has even the tiniest chance of...
  11. ThatZenoGuy

    Why get married

    Cherico's point is that if a great comedian like Robbin Williams can get snubbed by women, the layman stands no chance. :V
  12. ThatZenoGuy

    Why get married

    You're asking what has divorce got to do with marriage???
  13. ThatZenoGuy

    Why get married

    No you don't get it, just roll the dice a thousand times and pray that you never roll a 1!
  14. ThatZenoGuy

    Why get married

    I'm not lonely or miserable though, so your thesis has failed pretty badly. :V
  15. ThatZenoGuy

    Why get married

    Mate, you don't get to decide how people are feeling lmao. Hell I might agree on the bitterness, but lonely and miserable? Absolutely not. Shockingly you don't need vapid soulless automatons to be kept with company and happiness.
  16. ThatZenoGuy

    Why get married

    "I'm not shaming you" >Proceeds to use shaming tactics Unbelivable.
  17. ThatZenoGuy

    Why get married

    This thread is a good example on why men are just calling it quits. Protip, if someone says the juice isn't worth the squeeze, don't shame them, you're only feeding their already decided minds. Hilarious.
  18. ThatZenoGuy

    Why get married

    Pffftt, try something OTHER than shaming tactics. Embarrassing.
  19. ThatZenoGuy

    Why get married

    If you say so. Agree to disagree.
  20. ThatZenoGuy

    Why get married

    It's easy to find anybody if you're standards are low, I don't want covid vaxxed women, that cuts out some shit like 80-90% of em for starters.