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  1. ThatTabiFromSB

    Breaking News USA to Cut Funding to World Health Organization

    Let's be honest; too much of the US economy relies on trade and business with China to ever actually happen. XD
  2. ThatTabiFromSB

    Breaking News USA to Cut Funding to World Health Organization

    I mean, if we're gonna that route of entities playing political favorites, we'd ought to look at most of the major US companies practically catering to China. Nevermind the potential shittery politicians get up to. Still, WHO is the only organization that is doing the coordination of r&d for...
  3. ThatTabiFromSB

    Breaking News USA to Cut Funding to World Health Organization

    I'm pretty sure WHO, and by extension the UN, has to cowtow to just about every nation, not just China. At it is, WHO is the only organization that is currently coordinating the research and development on an international scale. Given WHO's reaction to the US basically amounting to 'eh, ok...
  4. ThatTabiFromSB

    Breaking News USA to Cut Funding to World Health Organization

    To be entirely fair, this was the opinion of the rest of the scientific-medical community for awhile too. Then they found out it was much worse, afaik. Well, there is no good explanation for that, I'll grant you. It is absolutely disgusting. In spite of their shortcomings, they have...
  5. ThatTabiFromSB

    Breaking News USA to Cut Funding to World Health Organization

    WHO trusts all the nations, they literally have nothing to go on except what the nations give them. If China gives them data that is suspect; they have no choice but to take it in good faith while trying to verify it as much as they can. The same can be said for the rest of the world. EDIT...
  6. ThatTabiFromSB

    Breaking News USA to Cut Funding to World Health Organization

    Brietbart Wallstreet Journal (I don't have access to the Wallstreet Journal anymore, due to lack of funds; but it's a good source imho.) Politico So Trump's blaming WHO now. Which we all saw coming, since he said he was going to do exactly that last week. It seems like a bad idea to me...