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  1. Terthna

    The Right and White Nationalism - An annoying cancer

    I'm doing that because I'm trying to divest his work of the importance his worshipers insist it has. Because let's be honest here; even if he had never been born, the sociopathic narcissists of the world would find some other reason to justify why they should have all the power, why they should...
  2. Terthna

    The Right and White Nationalism - An annoying cancer

    So he was an idiot who got it wrong; big whoop. The only people to whom he still matters, are those who treat his writings as gospel; the rest of us don't need to accept the framework where he's at all relevant anymore, to point out that the people using what he said to justify their actions...
  3. Terthna

    The Right and White Nationalism - An annoying cancer

    I still think we need more statues of historically important figures, not less. I don't see them as objects of worship, as those who want them torn down do. Rather, I see them as important reminders of our history; both the good, and the bad. I mean, whatever your feelings are on Confederate...
  4. Terthna

    The Right and White Nationalism - An annoying cancer

    Perhaps, but I'm not convinced they should have been removed either.
  5. Terthna

    The Right and White Nationalism - An annoying cancer

    And as a member of that generation, and a leftist to boot, I vehemently disagree with your position on the issue of Confederate statues; for reasons that I have repeatedly and exhaustively explained to you. The Confederacy and the Lost Cause ideology that surrounded it are not problems that need...
  6. Terthna

    The Right and White Nationalism - An annoying cancer

    Is now the time for that though? I mean, there's a not insignificant number of Americans right now considering the possibility of a second Civil War; do you really think it's a good idea for us to be drawing attention to and martyring the legacy of the Confederacy, when people have every reason...
  7. Terthna

    The Right and White Nationalism - An annoying cancer

    Yeah, here's the thing; I don't even agree with you that those officers betrayed their nation.
  8. Terthna

    The Right and White Nationalism - An annoying cancer

    You do remember I'm not right-wing, don't you? I may actually be more left-wing that you are, and I'm siding with them on this issue; what does that tell you?
  9. Terthna

    The Right and White Nationalism - An annoying cancer

    Kinda like how Biden gets to decide what is and isn't domestic terrorism? Don't hide behind the government to justify your position, because we both know you have zero faith in it. And don't pretend this is going to heal the racial divide; because if anything, it's going to exacerbate it.
  10. Terthna

    The Right and White Nationalism - An annoying cancer

    You don't get to decide that; not if you don't want someone else dictating to you what is and isn't free speech in turn. It's all free speech, or else none of it is.
  11. Terthna

    The Right and White Nationalism - An annoying cancer

    I can kinda see where you're coming from; but even setting aside the fact that I'm a free speech absolutist, and am therefor going to attack any form of censorship on principle, I just don't agree with what you're arguing here. Regardless of the reasoning behind why those bases were named as...
  12. Terthna

    The Right and White Nationalism - An annoying cancer

    I'm going to call bullshit there; wanting to change the names of bases named after objectionable people has nothing to do with "change" in regards to progress, as you're implying. Rather, it exclusively has to do with pushing a particular ideology that none of us (not even you, if you actually...
  13. Terthna

    The Right and White Nationalism - An annoying cancer

    And I sure as shit don't care; screw their concerns, their job is to kill people. If that doesn't bother them, and yet being reminded of some jackass who died generations before they were born does, their priorities are seriously messed up. Besides; where does it end? Because you do know that...
  14. Terthna

    The Right and White Nationalism - An annoying cancer

    To them I'd say, if working in a building named after a guy you've never met who did bad things to other people you've never met bothers you this much, I don't want you in my armed forces. Fuck off, and stop wasting everyone's time.
  15. Terthna

    The Right and White Nationalism - An annoying cancer

    Uh, point of fact; I also thought "Juneteenth" was profoundly stupid, as well as oppose all the historical white-washing that's been popular as of late, and I'm rather left-leaning in my politics. Although that said, I do think the whole "Christian revival" push some conservatives are making is...
  16. Terthna

    The Right and White Nationalism - An annoying cancer

    I'm already on team sane left; but there's not much difference between the two I suppose. If someone sensible does show up, let me know. As it stands, people like that seem to be a rarity amongst the right. It's not like they'd have any less of a chance then they would if they ran as a...
  17. Terthna

    The Right and White Nationalism - An annoying cancer

    People like him (among several others I've talked to on this forum) are one of the reasons I'm strongly considering giving up on the Republicans/conservatives, and just hoping our next Gracchi brother (a la Cherico's predictions) ends up running as an independent.
  18. Terthna

    The Right and White Nationalism - An annoying cancer

    I am if I say I am; I am not going to give that up to the regressive left without a fight. I stand for what I believe the left ought to be. As for there being no extremists on the right; you've got LindyAF outright admitting that he's an extremist just a few posts above yours, so you don't...
  19. Terthna

    The Right and White Nationalism - An annoying cancer

    An authoritarian by any other name is still an authoritarian, and there is basically no practical difference between what you want for this country, and what the regressive left is forcing on this country. You want to be able to tell people what they can and can't do, punish them for wrongthink...
  20. Terthna

    The Right and White Nationalism - An annoying cancer

    I'm left; and I basically do nothing but condemn my side's extremists on this forum. If those of you on the right refuse to do even that much, there's basically no point in us working together to try and fix the mess our country has become; because you guys will just do the same exact things the...