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  1. Terthna

    Election 2020 We can expect fair and balanced reporting of the Democrat VP candidate...

    Seriously, nominating Harris as VP makes it so blatantly obvious that the Dems don't expect to win this election; not on the merits of their candidates at least. They're going to try to use mail-in ballots to cheat the election; and if that doesn't work, they'll just declare the whole thing...
  2. Terthna

    Election 2020 We can expect fair and balanced reporting of the Democrat VP candidate...

    They will if BLM decides to start blasting it everywhere they have a platform, in an effort to delegitimize the Democrats' newfound position against them. In my opinion, the only thing nominating Harris as VP is going to accomplish is a deepening of the internal conflict tearing the left apart...
  3. Terthna

    Election 2020 We can expect fair and balanced reporting of the Democrat VP candidate...

    Except she's not a "tough on crime" candidate; at all. She's an "I'm going to violate your rights" candidate. You'd have to be insane to think that would win over anyone in the middle.
  4. Terthna

    Election 2020 We can expect fair and balanced reporting of the Democrat VP candidate...

    Expect one could argue that the actions of people like Kamala Harris were exactly the sort of thing that inspired the BLM riots, and justifies their desire to completely dismantle our justice system. I mean forcing people to remain in jail past their sentence so she could use them for cheap...
  5. Terthna

    Election 2020 We can expect fair and balanced reporting of the Democrat VP candidate...

    Well somebody certainly profits from sending our troops into conflicts we have no business getting involved in, or else it wouldn't happen.
  6. Terthna

    Election 2020 We can expect fair and balanced reporting of the Democrat VP candidate...

    It would be hilarious if Biden (or, let's be honest here, his handlers) ultimately decides not to select a woman as his VP.