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  1. Terthna

    Breaking News Trans Activists Breach Oklahoma Capitol

    Except it isn't consent, because most people are deliberately kept ignorant as to what they're consenting to when it comes to transition surgery. In fact, many of them are being tricked into getting a surgery to fix a problem they don't actually have; so when it turns out that chopping off their...
  2. Terthna

    Breaking News Trans Activists Breach Oklahoma Capitol

    The "no" was in response to your questions about if he was a Fed, or an SJW's ideal of a right wing extremist; both of which I felt were accusations that ignored important context in this situation.
  3. Terthna

    Breaking News Trans Activists Breach Oklahoma Capitol

    No, I suspect he just got angry enough with the regressive left that treating them as they treat him felt more appealing than taking the high road. This is why "treat others as you would want to be treated" is a thing; because if you treat people like they're sub-human for long enough, they're...