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  1. Terthna

    Blatant falsehoods on Wikipedia

    Look what I found on Wikipedia's "Oligarchy" page, when searching for the right term for a particular form of authoritarian government: Interesting how they associate "Republicans" having any sort of power whatsoever with an oligarchy, isn't it? It's almost like they're trying to plant the idea...
  2. Terthna

    Blatant falsehoods on Wikipedia

    Hopefully, if nothing else, you can damage Wikipedia's reputation to the uninformed masses as a reliable source of information.
  3. Terthna

    Blatant falsehoods on Wikipedia

    Back during Gamergate, I learned a lot about what goes on behind the scenes at Wikipedia. Basically, there are a number of people on that site who's entire lives revolve around it; and they are diligent in making sure that the information people see on it reflects their personal biases. Even...