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  1. Spartan303


    Perhaps if we shared our Railgun technology with them, we could jointly develop it together. One of the main reasons the US shelved it was due to the sheer costs of developing the technology. With a partner, we could cut that down.
  2. Spartan303


    True. But its costing an arm and a leg to get the gun working like the Navy wants. Look, I agree I'd like to keep the Railgun around, but this is what it is.
  3. Spartan303


    No, not really.
  4. Spartan303


    Hypersonic missiles have a range from a thousand to 1500 miles. The Railgun only offers up to 100 miles. With extreme distances like that, it isn't hard to see why. Shame though. I really wanted to see the Railgun in action.