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  1. Spartan303

    1948 Detroit to 2014

    They actually still do that with the glass cokes. Didn't learn that until recently. Always wondered why they tasted better.
  2. Spartan303

    1948 Detroit to 2014

    Why do you say that?
  3. Spartan303

    1948 Detroit to 2014

    I look forward to seeing it.
  4. Spartan303

    1948 Detroit to 2014

    They're likely not to vote for a while for several reasons. Despite the political parties being the same the politics of today are very different than what they once were. Another is that most of these people were likely dead in the modern day. How do you get them into the system? Something new...
  5. Spartan303

    1948 Detroit to 2014

    I wouldn't quite go that far. There would certainly be assistance programs to bring education and skills up to par for today. And with the attention of the entire world there is a lot less room for seedy shenanigans. The problem is going to be culture shock. These are a people from a different...
  6. Spartan303

    1948 Detroit to 2014

    Somewhat surprised my account there still works.
  7. Spartan303

    1948 Detroit to 2014

    Detroit of 1948 is in much better shape economically and development wise than 2014 Detroit. Seriously, that isn't a joke. allow me to explain...with memes!:D White flight happened in the 60s when the Democrats started playing the same games they do today, and the City went downhill from...