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  1. Spartan303

    Moving South, anything I should know?

    I mean, my state should be embarrassed. We had President Barrack Obama and President Donald Trump come through Columbia and say the exact same thing. Your roads are shit. You guys need to fix them. Some years later they still haven't fixed them though there is constant road construction. Tons...
  2. Spartan303

    Moving South, anything I should know?

    Also, be advised. The Roads in Alabama are complete shit. Sad to say they're just as bad if not worse in South Carolina. Only Georgia seems to be able to have nice roads they don't have to repave every 2 or 3 years. So make sure your shocks are good on your car and try to avoid potholes. Because...
  3. Spartan303

    Moving South, anything I should know?

    Yeah, most Northerners buy into the Hollywood propaganda that living down south makes you some racist, hick hillbilly who hunger for the blood of black and brown children or something. Its totally ridiculous.
  4. Spartan303

    Moving South, anything I should know?

    Dude, no one really gives a fuck about that. From most you might get a 'meh' about it. But like anywhere else, they may be one or two who won't like it. But such people exist everywhere.
  5. Spartan303

    Moving South, anything I should know?

    Or piss off a Water Moccasin.
  6. Spartan303

    Moving South, anything I should know?

    Not really. Some of these guys and girls can curse like a sailor. Others are more straight laced. Just be honest and upfront and things will be okay.
  7. Spartan303

    Moving South, anything I should know?

    Thats a good question. At first probably not much if at all. But over time as you adjust, its all on you. Most in the South are friendly, but not too pushy. Also, people will talk about weapons and gun ownership. Here in the South its just a thing, and there is real fear of losing that right...
  8. Spartan303

    Moving South, anything I should know?

    Southern Hospitality is a great thing as is Southern Food. But the people can't drive for shit, so watch it there. And unfortunately during the summer you have to deal with the double whammy of Hot and Humid. Where as most places its one or the other.