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  1. S

    United States 2024: United States Senate Dicussion Thread

    Nope, you're just closer to the urbanite dream. Which is constantly moving closer and closer to living in an arcology. Nope, farmers barely control their own food access anymore. Especially when only two percent of the US are farmers and most of them don't even own the land they farm. And...
  2. S

    United States 2024: United States Senate Dicussion Thread

    Yeah. You are correct in that. But like I hadn't thought to sneak that in somewhere, and going back to edit that in was eeeeeehh. I had the thought while in the shower. I do think, though, that this is supposed to be about the Senate. So I'm closing down my part in this discussion unless we get...
  3. S

    United States 2024: United States Senate Dicussion Thread

    You control your house. You wouldn't own anything meaningful in a fifteen minute city, least of all your place of living. Your food availability. Any of it. Like a farmer controls a chicken coop. The point of I'm really trying to get at, is that someone else controls you through the arcology of...
  4. S

    United States 2024: United States Senate Dicussion Thread

    Yes, but also no. Military bases are certainly designed to keep you on them as much as keep people out. It also has a populace trained for violence. An aggressive populace, that is very cognizant of what it happening to it. (I certainly was when I was in, as were everyone I talked to) Something...
  5. S

    United States 2024: United States Senate Dicussion Thread

    Chicken coops are combining architecture and ecology for chickens. It is exactly a very basic, very simple arcology. It is a matter of scale, complexity, and species to get you to a human grade urban arcology. Literally combining everything a chicken would have in the wild into one building...
  6. S

    United States 2024: United States Senate Dicussion Thread

    A contained shelter with food, play, and work? Where all your needs and most of your wants are fulfilled? And all of that is easily accessed? And someone else has near total control of getting in and out? Where someone can harvest the fruits of your labor quickly and easily? Where it's super...
  7. S

    United States 2024: United States Senate Dicussion Thread

    You could theoretically travel outside your 15 minute walk bubble, but it's designed to keep everything you do within the bubble. Work, play, food, shelter. That would keep the vast overwhelming majority of people in their bubble. Of those, the most important is work. If you don't have to...
  8. S

    United States 2024: United States Senate Dicussion Thread

    War with China would be ruinous. For China. They're already facing demographic collapse after multiple decades of the one child policy with no sign of recovery since raising a single child is ruinously expensive let alone the new limit of three, India would instantly got hot on their water war...
  9. S

    United States 2024: United States Senate Dicussion Thread

    There was no way anyone would get away with what he did. Doing it had exactly one outcome if he was ever caught, and anyone with two brain cells would have realized this.
  10. S

    United States 2024: United States Senate Dicussion Thread

    Because he's gay. Because he thought he'd be able to play the victim card and win. He thinks if he throws a big enough tantrum he'll get his way. Because that's what he's been taught his entire life.