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  1. Skallagrim

    WI: Thirty Years' War ends in a decisive victory for either side

    In the first quoted segment above, you reveal your true motives: a giant chip on your shoulder, right there, for all to see. To the second quoted segment, I shall respond in kind with your own style of reasoning: I have no, ah-- shitty obligation to go along with your pet obsession. You are...
  2. Skallagrim

    WI: Thirty Years' War ends in a decisive victory for either side

    With due respect, @Batrix2070, but in the course of reading your various assertions about Polish history and Polish magnificence, I've inevitably developed the distinct impression that in your view of reality, it would only have taken a very little push for everything within the orbit of Neptune...
  3. Skallagrim

    WI: Thirty Years' War ends in a decisive victory for either side

    I've made a crudely edited map elaborating a little more on the Catholic victory scenario, showing the somewhat longer-term outcome: -- A historian of my acquaintance insiists that in the case of a relatively late victory for the Habsburgs (e.g. not some POD that just ends the war before...
  4. Skallagrim

    WI: Thirty Years' War ends in a decisive victory for either side

    It is likely that a Wallachia that's taken by the Habsburgs relatively early on is going to be more developed. Generally speaking, being a peripheral region controlled by the Ottomans or by (post-Golden Horde) Russia is a very bad situation to be in. All major European powers would be an...
  5. Skallagrim

    WI: Thirty Years' War ends in a decisive victory for either side

    For sure. They'd be able to push that through, and it would ensur eternal Habsburg supremacy within the Empire, so it's a really obvious move. It helps that the HRE and Poland-Lithuania are bound to b allies here. They can stand back-to-back. The Habsburgs, certainly. It'll probably fall out...
  6. Skallagrim

    WI: Thirty Years' War ends in a decisive victory for either side

    This is a much-different scenario, and I won't go into detail, becaue that would derail the thread. A short summary is: Russia had other shit going on at the time, and the conflict with the Ottomans was on the back-burner. In a "no Napoleon" timeline, things may well have been different. But...
  7. Skallagrim

    WI: Thirty Years' War ends in a decisive victory for either side

    I can agree about the breadth of the corridor, but I think that the Protestants would put all effort into securing just such a corridor -- and that this would definitely involve taking Gdansk. Polisg gains in Silesia are certainly possible, since losing a bit there would seem like a satisfactory...
  8. Skallagrim

    WI: Thirty Years' War ends in a decisive victory for either side

    "A few hundred years" is pretty generous, I'd say. ;)
  9. Skallagrim

    WI: Thirty Years' War ends in a decisive victory for either side

    @ATP and @Batrix2070 -- I cannot agree with your views on the matter of Poland-Lithuania and its supposed invincibility. Yes, Poland was at the times of the Thirty Years' War much stronger than it would end up in later times, but this does not make it the bastion of super-human strength that you...
  10. Skallagrim

    WI: Thirty Years' War ends in a decisive victory for either side

    Sure. The end of the war takes place well before the age of ethnic nationalism really gets going. At this time, religion is still the primary factor when it comes to a distinctive group-identity. They'd go to Austria and speak German there -- or in any case, their children would. (Meanwhile...
  11. Skallagrim

    WI: Thirty Years' War ends in a decisive victory for either side

    Thanks! I just call it the German Empire, because it's divested itself of most non-German bits, but it could really end up being called anything. (In German, this could mean that Germany ends up being called Deutschreich instead of Deutschland -- cf. Frankreich.) It ends up that way. The Dutch...
  12. Skallagrim

    WI: Thirty Years' War ends in a decisive victory for either side

    I wrote a brief scenario about a Protestant victory a few years ago. It's about as comprehensive as I could imagine a Protestant triumph (half-way) realistically getting. It's based around a map portraying the aftermath in the somewhat longer term. SUMMER AND WINTER The map we see above...