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  1. Simonbob

    Debate on the U.S.'s long term strategic and technological goals in an increasingly multi-polar world.

    Having just read that, he did a company town, but not a corp script. Note, there was nothing keeping people in there. If you wanted to, you could leave, but you had to get another job. Besides, if you look at it, currency of all types is simply a commodity, and if a company wants to offer...
  2. Simonbob

    Debate on the U.S.'s long term strategic and technological goals in an increasingly multi-polar world.

    Name one. Seriously. Not that it's impossible, but until it's large enough to provide everything you need, it's not going to happen.
  3. Simonbob

    Debate on the U.S.'s long term strategic and technological goals in an increasingly multi-polar world.

    I'm pretty sure there's a federal police already, isn't there? I was thinking about this one, and I worked something out. Corp script is normal, natural, and only a big deal if the Gov screws the dollar badly enough. After all, pretty close to everybody in the site has had some before...
  4. Simonbob

    Debate on the U.S.'s long term strategic and technological goals in an increasingly multi-polar world.

    Sure. A lot of this runs into the same issue, although no all. Trust. Any "New Deal" is going to go down the same path, but I do like the idea of tarifs. Most of the rest is best fought by simply not having that much money and power in the hand of govenment. So, shutting down the CIA and...
  5. Simonbob

    Debate on the U.S.'s long term strategic and technological goals in an increasingly multi-polar world.

    Sure..... 70 years ago. Back when we had the White Australia Poilcy, and it was exactly what it sounds like. Now? You don't need to speak English beyond a 5 year old level. The change was gradual, but the degeneration is insane. As for more kids, money isn't the answer. It's been tried...