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  1. S

    Culture Gina Carano Cancelled by Lucasfilm, Goes Rebel

    Maybe. The problem is that the legal basis for the case is so thin that it's *very* likely that the courts will grant summary dismissal. Also keep in mind that Carano does not appear to have actually been fired per se, she was simply not signed to a new contract. That makes it even more...
  2. S

    Culture Gina Carano Cancelled by Lucasfilm, Goes Rebel

    Possibly, but given that employment is fundamentally at-will, there's a *very* high factual bar to clear in claims of wrongful termination. In particular, most states *do not* make political opinions a protected class with regard to discrimination, so which completely takes the legs out from...
  3. S

    Culture Gina Carano Cancelled by Lucasfilm, Goes Rebel

    Yes, but the contract that Miss Carano *actually had signed* would almost certainly have been for the Mandalorian; Rangers of the New Republic may or may not have been far enough into pre-production to have actual contracts signed, which means there's only a very tenuous basis to compel...
  4. S

    Culture Gina Carano Cancelled by Lucasfilm, Goes Rebel

    The term "untimely filed" comes to mind. Given that the relief being demanded is to be recast on the show, waiting until over a year after the show has completed filming and been aired makes that relief both legally and practically moot.
  5. S

    Culture Gina Carano Cancelled by Lucasfilm, Goes Rebel

    I have to point out that this isn't actually firing her. Mandalorian Season 2 is done with, and all of next year's shows aren't filming yet. So she is not actually hired for any active project; there's nothing to fire her *from*. As to the actual substance of her controversial statements, she...