1. Sailor.X

    Russia(gate/bot) At what rate is NATO planning to invite in Ukraine? If NATO doesn't know, why is negotiating away a neutrality agreement a non-starter?

    You know just to spite Russia I would open up Nato membership to Japan, Vietnam, Taiwan, Moldova, East Pongo Tongo and any other Friendly country on the planet. Then send Putin the new member list with a Troll Face folder cover that says. You Mad Bruh!!!:devilish:
  2. Sailor.X

    Russia(gate/bot) At what rate is NATO planning to invite in Ukraine? If NATO doesn't know, why is negotiating away a neutrality agreement a non-starter?

    And to add........ Russian arguments saying they need a buffer between them and Nato are full of shit. When your country is comprised of a huge chunk of Eurasia. You need to be happy with your territory and shut the fuck up.