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  1. S'task

    Reporter finds out that the gun laws she wanted already exist.

    I doubt that either the 1861 Springfield or Brown Bess were every being fired at those speeds (the Brown Bess especially, the way those were actually loaded in fired in practice was VERY different than the ideal method to load for optimum range*), and you're forgetting a critical point: the...
  2. S'task

    Reporter finds out that the gun laws she wanted already exist.

    Those kinds of weapons aren't muskets, nor even a Muzzleloader. It is a breech loaded, cartridge fed rifle. This makes a MASSIVE difference in weapon performance. The cartridge helps contain the explosion and the lack of lock means that the explosion is even more contained than in the earlier...
  3. S'task

    Reporter finds out that the gun laws she wanted already exist.

    Muzzle-loading firearms, which muskets are only a subcategory of, are actually quote a different beast than most modern firearms. Firstly, they're almost ALWAYS firing a larger caliber round than modern weapons. The SMALLEST they went was about .30 caliber for black powder revolvers, and most...