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  1. S'task

    Election 2020 Democrat Nightmare Scenario Trump Loses by 5+ Million and still wins

    What polls have you been looking at? In 2018 he was pulling a decent approval rating among Blacks and Hispanics, which is much higher than the votes he got from them in 2016. This year? Recent polling has him at similar numbers with Hispanics showing nearly a 50% approval rating. These...
  2. S'task

    Election 2020 Democrat Nightmare Scenario Trump Loses by 5+ Million and still wins

    Err... it already has? The entire concept of "Sanctuary States" in response to heightened illegal immigration enforcement and such is firmly grounded in the idea of State Sovereignty (arguably it's actually directly tied to the questionable relative of "States Rights", "Nullification"). Heck...
  3. S'task

    Election 2020 Democrat Nightmare Scenario Trump Loses by 5+ Million and still wins

    Err, that's not just a 19th century view, that's quite literally how our Constitution is constructed even to this day. When push comes to shove, only the States have an absolute "I win" button when it comes to our system as outlined in the Constitution: a Constitutional Convention. No...