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  1. Pocky Balboa

    Gamergate 2 has now become official

    Hard disagree. Like I said, between those past articles and comments from six years ago, then his comments like "Not a single person is claiming that video games "cause" mass shootings or are the only factor or are even the main factor." around three years ago, then his video shitting on adults...
  2. Pocky Balboa

    Gamergate 2 has now become official

    I'm sorry but between the fact that Walsh states in his video "The video game industry has perhaps done more than any other industry to indoctrinate children to wokeness than any other industry," (and no, that "perhaps" doesn't absolve him of anything, Pedowood and the major book publishers have...
  3. Pocky Balboa

    Gamergate 2 has now become official

    Matt Walsh and the Daily Wire apparently has decided that his hateboner for video games is a higher priority than actually fighting wokies. Walsh's coverage of the Sweet Baby Inc. situation ended up being a roundabout assault on video games. KNIGHTS WATCH coverage on the situation: Dear Walsh...
  4. Pocky Balboa

    Gamergate 2 has now become official

    Matt "Not a single person is claiming that video games 'cause' mass shootings or are the only factor or are even the main factor" Walsh and the Daily Wire has apparently decided that Walsh's vendetta with video games and picking a fight with gamers is more important than fighting the wokies...