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  1. Morphic Tide

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    Do you really want to turn into the very same purity-spiraling nonsense as the Intersectional crowd? Where being out of line on any one thing is cause to be thrown out entirely? Do you seriously want to just flip the table on Pit Politics that are giving the Republicans their first breath of...
  2. Morphic Tide

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    Am I recalling incorrectly that the primary scientific basis of transgenderism being both not a choice and not a "mere" mental disorder was a study showing their neurology had key aspects closer to the opposite sex? Or that a major aspect of the transgender community is using surgery and hormone...
  3. Morphic Tide

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    It's actually extremely important because it represents a near-total disproof of gender as pure social construct, the primary justification for treating transgenderism as a straightforward "should accept" matter of personal identity.
  4. Morphic Tide

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    ...Leading to procreation is, itself, a naturalism bias. Assuming the biological function is the be-all, end-all of a behavior is a pretty damn common form of naturalism bias, because it's obsessing over the "function" of the behavior in natural terms. Pointing to nature and categorical behavior...
  5. Morphic Tide

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    It honestly depends heavily on the line one draws between "mere personality dysfunction" and "outright mental illness". Pathologizing anger issues as a whole, for instance, would be a degenerated state of psychology. Similarly, sexuality is such an obscene tangled mess, moreso in nature, that...
  6. Morphic Tide

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    No ideal is inseparable from its origin, otherwise you'd be abandoning this very statement to saying the philosophical framework is built on myths about Magna Carta and Ancient Greek politics. And such is incompatible with the spread of ideas between culture groups, most especially given how the...
  7. Morphic Tide

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    So, how is gender dysphoria on the level of paranoid hallucinagenic schizophrenia? Or other sorts of outright psychosis? Gender dysphoria is also not actually universal to those with the noted neurological signs, but rather there exists those who only possess instinctual preferences of the...
  8. Morphic Tide

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    It's actually quite different, because it's more or less a declaration of the typical solution to the Paradox of Tolerance: You and yours would be exiled from the public square if you refused to allow their morality, not for refusing to follow it. Whereas your side has in fact explicitly stated...
  9. Morphic Tide

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    No, there isn't, because the Catholic/Orthodox split occurred entirely over communication issues and they diverged from there. All the theological differences came after the split. As compared to the Antipope bullshit the Catholics have put up with, the Orthodox Church has a goddamn spotless...
  10. Morphic Tide

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    Where did I call it Catholic? This is a perfect example of the point I'm trying to hammer into your head. You, LordsFire, and The Immortal Watch Dog have not actually defined common moral features one can safely assume of Christians as a whole. You keep engaging in what is essentially the "No...
  11. Morphic Tide

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    And for each of those examples of oppression, we have examples of the reverse. Again, Islam's the biggest outlier, but even there we have the treatment of Christians in much of the Muslim world after areas were conquered for centuries, especially in the Iberian peninsula (amounted to not having...
  12. Morphic Tide

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    Again, there is no single "Christian" morality. Nor is there a single Muslim one, or Hindu one, or Shinto one. This scale of religious affiliation does not actually have solid bounds in modern time, period, because we've so long passed the point of integrity in all sorts of fashions, because...
  13. Morphic Tide

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    You seem to completely miss the basic concept of what denominational differences mean. When I said "Liberation Theology types that preceded Communism", I'm referring to historic movements dating back into the 1300s that gave religious justification for virtually every Communist talking point...
  14. Morphic Tide

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    Given the literal Pope is downright memetically pro-Leftist shenanigans to the point of making "Is the Pope Catholic?" stop being hyperbole, assuming the full populace of avowed Christians is harshly anti-LGBT is entirely farcical. Even setting aside the Liberation Theology types that preceded...