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  1. Morphic Tide

    Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

    By Wookiepedia, lightsabers were also all Kyber crystals in the old EU material, but the term then was denoting the application and possibly some Force-related treatment process rather than the starting material.
  2. Morphic Tide

    Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

    Got purged from Disney canon, it's all Kyber now.
  3. Morphic Tide

    Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

    No, the difference in government structure very much can persist in the face of ceasing to be "bad" on any institutional level, but there's not really any present de jure top-down governments around today to point to so inspiration is lacking. You might see it start to feudalize so that the...
  4. Morphic Tide

    Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

    Which is also where a noteworthy bit of Catholic weirdness comes from, incidentally. Though much more of it is Roman instead of Norse Paganism, owing to the whole "Sol Invictus" thing that incredibly blatantly ended up laying groundwork for ruling class conversions to get off the shitlist. The...
  5. Morphic Tide

    Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

    Actually read the numerous contradictory character interpretations and sheer depth of left-field "Plot Of The Day" storytelling. The pieces may technically be able to be fitted together, but it is quite difficult to justify all that shit happening to the same handful of people as actually the...
  6. Morphic Tide

    Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

    TCW is "ring three", what it overwrote was "ring four". It is the "higher canon compilation" for the period in question, picking over the extended universe material and rolling what the writers felt like into a "definitive edition" replacing the clusterfuck of accretion. Actually Lucas had...
  7. Morphic Tide

    Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

    It's referring to the "smear-frame" of entering Hyperspace, which IIRC gets called "pseudomotion" because it doesn't actually impart its apparent momentum on collision.
  8. Morphic Tide

    Star Wars Star Wars Discussion Thread - LET THE PAST D-! Oh, wait, nevermind

    Drag is only technically existent in space, so negligible that people talk more in terms of micrometeor damage than velocity lost to collision. Consequently, reaching ludicrously high speeds is a function of delta v, which is the overall amount of acceleration that the ship can undergo. As Star...