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  1. M

    The Metaverse Is NOT Collapsing. Here's Why.

    And sometimes the different roles have conflicting requirements, and the platform runner may not even allow the level of customization necessary to overcome that. For one Meta as a company wants to stay in good graces with mainstream advertises, very vulnerable to any sort of controversy...
  2. M

    The Metaverse Is NOT Collapsing. Here's Why.

    VRChat has a clear focus and goal, making an social-entertainment application of VR. It's fairly successful in that niche for that reason, and doesn't get distracted with ambitions of going way beyond that and having billions of users. Meanwhile the Metaverse cannot settle on whether it wants to...
  3. M

    The Metaverse Is NOT Collapsing. Here's Why.

    Yes, the tech companies sure do want to break into the "new tech thing" market that VR is. They also will continue to throw money at this way beyond what would be reasonable for their expected success rate. And Facebook has enough money to keep it on life support indefinitely. But that doesn't...