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  1. M

    General military questions thread

    Yes, they basically get an idea of mass density distribution in the warhead, while fissile materials and radiation shielding are necessarily very dense elements, and things like explosives and chemicals are fairly low density, so if there's very dense stuff in the warhead it's probably a nuke...
  2. M

    General military questions thread

    Depends on scale and distance for sure. A tank gun scale railgun is a wholly different detection challenge than some huge, Bond villain grade nuke tossing railgun firing 50+ kg projectiles over intercontinental distances.
  3. M

    General military questions thread

    That's one of the ways. Radars and possibly more exotic kinds of detectors trying to spot if the warheads contain fissiles. A railgun fired round would still get spotted by radar sats and planet based early warning systems, and with the sheer speed needed for a railgun round to get this far, it...
  4. M

    General military questions thread Absolutely.
  5. M

    General military questions thread If it carries those (same as used by Russian fighters) and gets a good ambush, possible.
  6. M

    General military questions thread

    Well, judge for yourself, that's quite a puff of smoke.
  7. M

    General military questions thread

    Yes, it used black powder for propellant, and that means smoke.
  8. M

    General military questions thread

    They are the materialization of the concept of "boring but practical" of Soviet armored vehicles. Anyone who plays decent cold war strategy games knows them.
  9. M

    General military questions thread

    Advanced night owl.
  10. M

    General military questions thread

    True, the trick is to pick one who doesn't give a damn about Russia being butthurt, or better yet, will give you bonuses for that.
  11. M

    General military questions thread

    But you get dependence on France instead. Which in case of Russia problems can be even worse.
  12. M

    General military questions thread

    Again, war improvisation, not an effecient, long term product. We could and should make own drones, properly (and we have some successes there). We could also make cruise missiles, but we could probably buy better *and* cheaper commercial engines for them than we could possibly build, while the...
  13. M

    General military questions thread

    And that in turn would also be "it's what they have, not what they want to use", as these would be rather expensive and overly large drones. Something like 75% of "drone magic" effect people see now is that many drones are practically semi-stealth aircraft out of their unusually small size and...
  14. M

    General military questions thread

    And just like us with Su-22, it's because what they have, not because that's what they want to be using. Look how are they using them. Will they sell? For what price? Would it get us a working tank? Again, there probably are reasons why they want with Leo 2.
  15. M

    General military questions thread

    Not need. Even "want" is questionable. Remember, we need an air force for fighting Russia, not Libya or Syria. They would be great for fighting Libya or Syria. For Russia, we want something like F-35 though. Anything less will be stuck flying very close to the ground and very carefully, like...
  16. M

    General military questions thread

    But would Poland get those customers? Considering the record with selling the ex-Soviet tech it was making, wouldn't bet my money on it. Georgia's sale records don't seem to be great either. As usual, good fucking luck competing with China in this kind of stuff, especially with all the other...
  17. M

    General military questions thread

    Poland is trying to replace the Su-22 desperately (that's where the F-35's come in), not using them because they are that good. And even those are at least supersonic. They are kept only to keep the crews training on something and for some utility missions like air policing. Su-25 is ok for...
  18. M

    General military questions thread

    A similar problem - at best we would invest a lot of money into a small production run of an average tank held back by an old hull with an armor setup that belongs in the 70's, and it was a cheap one even then. For comparison Abrams was made in the 80's and got few significant armor updates...
  19. M

    General military questions thread

    Even 30 years ago they would have been meh. Borsuk should have been built 20 years ago. Many countries had BMP-1's then, only few small ones did such modifications, and they are getting rid of those modernized ones too. The problem with BMP-1's potential is in the tin can level of protection...
  20. M

    General military questions thread

    They are looking at it since decades. It's either a demonstrator for foreign customers or another favor for Ukraine, because Poland is planning to switch to Borsuk and\or KF21 variant soon. Also that deceptively "spare" space is most likely a correction for BMP-1 in original setup being very...