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  1. M

    Technology Alternative Social Media and Tech

    We can't read their minds, but we can read their site. Ultimately, ADL diluting their mission into anything they consider fitting a general social justice cause set has caused them to stray from their mission. Back to Gab though, we can also compare...
  2. M

    Technology Alternative Social Media and Tech

    It could seem that way if you ignore that context, but taking what i said before a bit further - if every random leftist progressive NGO speaks up and wants to silence Gab, and ADL just so happens to join them, what is the argument that ADL wants to silence Gab as part of its old purpose, and...
  3. M

    Technology Alternative Social Media and Tech

    ADL is classic case of an organization subverted by general far left activist circles, made so much easier due to being somewhat sympathetic to each other in some areas to begin with. It is well demonstrated by the fact that since some time ADL is getting itself involved into ideological and...