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  1. LindyAF

    The Right and White Nationalism - An annoying cancer

    tbh this just seems nonsensical. Obviously every society legislates morality into law. What would a law that wasn't based on any moral system at all even look like?
  2. LindyAF

    The Right and White Nationalism - An annoying cancer

    How do you do fellow conservatives! Here is a video by The Nation on why the Rosenbergs were oppressed 😢, from The Root on the importance of fighting teh evul raciss White people, and from Buzzfeed on how the Steele dossier is totally legit. Now we can move past all your evil religious beliefs...
  3. LindyAF

    The Right and White Nationalism - An annoying cancer

    Vox - that's that outfit of gay neoliberals and socialists right?
  4. LindyAF

    The Right and White Nationalism - An annoying cancer

    I did - he was an adulterer and a plagiarist who was in bed with communists and was one himself. That's all "what he did wrong" without even any discussion of the long term negative impacts of the movement he was involved in. And there wasn't any discussion of that going on when the mlk simps...
  5. LindyAF

    The Right and White Nationalism - An annoying cancer

    No, there really isn't. The black block creates rationale for the bureaucrats, the bureaucrats run cover for the black block.
  6. LindyAF

    The Right and White Nationalism - An annoying cancer

    Eh, they'll take down Washington's, but I doubt they'll manage to make an mlk statue. They had to get that shit made in china the first go around.
  7. LindyAF

    The Right and White Nationalism - An annoying cancer

    The two are inextricably linked. As mlk admits, blm 1.0 was tied to his communist economic beliefs, and his movement was advised by and involved with communists - including one who aided in the legal defense of soviet spies who gave American secrets to the soviets. Just as the leading organizers...
  8. LindyAF

    The Right and White Nationalism - An annoying cancer

    I mean, yeah, they kinda are. This isn't a unique problem to America. It's arguably based in America, and there might be merit to the belief that if these other countries were not in the US sphere they would not be doing similarly. But in Britain, Churchill is under attack. In Spain, they're...
  9. LindyAF

    The Right and White Nationalism - An annoying cancer

    mlk's was an adulterer, he got his degree via plagiarism, and his speechwriters were involved with the communist party. Nobody on the right should be praising him. Edit: changed "card-carrying members" to "involved with" because I don't remember the details and don't want to be bothered to look...
  10. LindyAF

    The Right and White Nationalism - An annoying cancer

    Yes, they didn't pull the statue down out of any ignorance or misunderstanding. They pulled it down because Lewis and Clark are White. This is the same reason statues of the Pioneer Man and Woman were torn down, the same reason statues of even left-wing old White Men on have been vandalized...
  11. LindyAF

    The Right and White Nationalism - An annoying cancer

    Guy who supports destroying the heritage of the Historic American Nation he got told by left-wing institutions was bad when people destroy the heritage of the Historic American Nation that left-wing institutions are saying is bad:
  12. LindyAF

    The Right and White Nationalism - An annoying cancer It's a statue of all three.
  13. LindyAF

    The Right and White Nationalism - An annoying cancer

    Source on this please?
  14. LindyAF

    The Right and White Nationalism - An annoying cancer

    Virginia in general is extremely left wing due to DC sprawl, and that statue of Lee in specific is in a college town that is basically run by the left wing college. The cops there are known to have acted for explicitly left wing political reasons in the past as well. The distinction you're...
  15. LindyAF

    The Right and White Nationalism - An annoying cancer

    Kinda interesting though that they took so long to remove this statue, after they'd been planning to do it for ages, since 2016 I want to say, and when they finally decided to do so they did so with zero notice about when they were doing it in such a cowardly fashion. Wonder what they were...
  16. LindyAF

    The Right and White Nationalism - An annoying cancer

    You don't seem to be doing much defense of Washington. You seem an awful lot more invested in defending the actions of the same people coming after the statues of every other White man and White woman that's publicly honored. :unsure: Bit sus :alien: tbh
  17. LindyAF

    The Right and White Nationalism - An annoying cancer

    Announcing removal only one day before, what cowards and losers.
  18. LindyAF

    The Right and White Nationalism - An annoying cancer

    Thanks for sharing.
  19. LindyAF

    The Right and White Nationalism - An annoying cancer

    Heritage in the source you link does not give the same statistic you claimed earlier. It gives a study that states that neighborhoods with a higher percentage of single parent households correlate with neighborhoods with more burglary and violent crime. They then state, without providing either...