Search results

  1. LTR

    Ideas for Subscriber Rewards, Trophies, Thread Prefixes, Tags and MORE!

    We appreciate your suggestions and though we decisively ignored them in favor of Cossackization... I will let you all know we are currently canvassing trophy title (and flavor text) for a number of things... most specifically on Reactions... especially the specialized ones (Lewd, HaHa, Sad et...
  2. LTR

    Ideas for Subscriber Rewards, Trophies, Thread Prefixes, Tags and MORE!

    Added those prefixes and some more. Except for Baki... I wasn't quite sure what that was. Feel free to educate me. :P
  3. LTR

    Ideas for Subscriber Rewards, Trophies, Thread Prefixes, Tags and MORE!

    Ones I can think of right now for thread prefixes: Versus Debate Pics & Images Quest Role Playing OOC Role Playing IC Military (since we don't have a 'War Room' per se) Alternate History
  4. LTR

    Ideas for Subscriber Rewards, Trophies, Thread Prefixes, Tags and MORE!

    As this website rolls out we need YOUR suggestions for ideas on several things. We want suggestions on (reasonable and practical) incentives for subscriber rewards. We want suggestions on (reasonable and practical) thresholds for the issuance or rewarding of trophies (both the accomplishment...