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  1. King Arts

    Breaking News Trans Activists Breach Oklahoma Capitol

    Yes you can believe all of this. I was saying the government already restricts what you can do the government WILL stop you from killing your self it’s not some brand new restriction we came up with this is consistent with practices that are already happening and most don’t complain about. Me...
  2. King Arts

    Breaking News Trans Activists Breach Oklahoma Capitol

    If someone has ownership of their body and gives consent to someone else to destroy their property how is it a problem. If I went and hit your car with my baseball bat I would be violating your rights. But if you said I could then it wouldn't be a crime. Your standards of "limited government"...
  3. King Arts

    Breaking News Trans Activists Breach Oklahoma Capitol

    Oh yes I know laws and morals are separate I thought you were talking about is instead of ought. If you are saying under libertarianism people should e free to own their bodies and do whatever they want as long as they don’t hurt others against their will then I can respect that.
  4. King Arts

    Breaking News Trans Activists Breach Oklahoma Capitol

    Umm because it’s against the law to commit suicide or to cut off a limb or other self destructive things?
  5. King Arts

    Breaking News Trans Activists Breach Oklahoma Capitol

    Yeah, you are right, I am derailing the thread. I apologize. If Skitzy responds, I will take it to PMs. Also sorry for disrupting the thread, I apologize if I annoyed other posters or the mods.
  6. King Arts

    Breaking News Trans Activists Breach Oklahoma Capitol

    Yes, I'm just saying that makes it a thing that emanates from culture or government instead of things that every human wants and taking it away is a sin. The point I'm trying to make is that they are not "self evident" while you are talking you have made me think of some things that might be...
  7. King Arts

    Breaking News Trans Activists Breach Oklahoma Capitol

    Umm you say you want to put this behind us and then you bring all that up? Anyway I'll be mature and only respond to things I think can bring a productive discussion. Yes, but nowhere in the Bible will you find the it talking about human rights, or things of a similar nature. The 1st amendment...
  8. King Arts

    Breaking News Trans Activists Breach Oklahoma Capitol

    :oops: Yeah you are right. I should not lower myself and say such foul things. I am sorry.
  9. King Arts

    Breaking News Trans Activists Breach Oklahoma Capitol

    Show me where rights exist? They don't exist in actuality. No they are made by the laws. In our case the constitution the highest law of the land gives us those rights. Go jack off about "It enshrines rights that already exist somewhere else." I was advocating changing the laws, you braindead...
  10. King Arts

    Breaking News Trans Activists Breach Oklahoma Capitol

    "We also have human rights!" The Bill of rights gives certain rights. And now I see you support these people but not the Jan 6 guys. Well they should have the exact same rights. Also no the constitution does not give them the right to riot. People have the right to PEACEABLY ASSEMBLE and speak...
  11. King Arts

    Breaking News Trans Activists Breach Oklahoma Capitol

    "International law" Are you a liberal? No the only things that matter are national laws, I am not required to respect international law. Here we only respect the laws of America. Again fuck international law it's not real. I do not advocate for doing anything that is against the laws of the...
  12. King Arts

    Breaking News Trans Activists Breach Oklahoma Capitol

    Also you are wrong what an NPC is a meme that comes from gaming culture. NPC's are computers/programs that don't think for themselves they just follow their programming. You don't care what happens to npcs in games unless it's a well written character...
  13. King Arts

    Breaking News Trans Activists Breach Oklahoma Capitol

    You are the joke, or are trying to stir shit. I have never advocated any illegal content. Show me where "thinking people is subhuman" is illegal. It's not in America you can dehumanize and look down on others and it's perfectly legal.
  14. King Arts

    Breaking News Trans Activists Breach Oklahoma Capitol

    No there isn't. An NPC is a fake person soulless, someone without an inner voice. Also I'm not a Federal agent, and I'm not a radical I do not support anything that violates the law. So stop accusing people of things.
  15. King Arts

    Breaking News Trans Activists Breach Oklahoma Capitol

    They won't, conservatives will cuck out. And liberals are npcs mostly who actually don't see the similarities at all.
  16. King Arts

    Breaking News Trans Activists Breach Oklahoma Capitol

    I mean my second post was a bit extreme but Lords Fire annoyed me when he went SJW on me when I called some people NPC's. So yeah.
  17. King Arts

    Breaking News Trans Activists Breach Oklahoma Capitol

    A healthy society I don't think you know what one is either, since you are just spewing liberalism. You don't have a diffrent world view than liberals you both share the same progressive whig view of history you just think that the ideal society was created 10 years or so ago instead of wanting...
  18. King Arts

    Breaking News Trans Activists Breach Oklahoma Capitol

    Oh, ok you are just giving a cuck response. The people that are trying to destroy society and already see us as the worst kind of people deserve to be protected. Yeah sorry your ideas suck and lead to failure. Yes I will dehumanize liberal atheist communists that want human civilization and...
  19. King Arts

    Breaking News Trans Activists Breach Oklahoma Capitol

    What are you talking about?
  20. King Arts

    Breaking News Trans Activists Breach Oklahoma Capitol

    Honestly liberals are not true humans, and they don't deserve human rights. Look up at how some people are trolling open source chat AI made by these spacebattles/reddit tier nerds. They asked it questions like if it's acceptable to say a racial slur to stop a nuclear bomb from going off, and it...