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  1. KilroywasNOTHere

    Resolved, the 2nd German Empire’s actual mistake is the opposite of what you’ve been told

    even these aren't the roots though with France being crippled thanks to its revolution. (Which was an end result of years' worth of instability and social unrest which again was a result of some bad assumptions and decisions made early on) The British were the only major colonial powers left...
  2. KilroywasNOTHere

    Resolved, the 2nd German Empire’s actual mistake is the opposite of what you’ve been told

    Germany and Britian have had this sort of rivalry going on since at least the industrial revolution and it's still going on. Heck the white ethnonationalist movement (in my experience at least) seems to be boiled down to whether the US rightfully belongs to the Brits or the Germans. it's almost...