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  1. KilroywasNOTHere

    United States 2024: United States Senate Dicussion Thread

    Aside from Arizona things have seem pretty normal that's what makes things worse in my opinion.
  2. KilroywasNOTHere

    United States 2024: United States Senate Dicussion Thread

    What has me nervous was how things have just straight up balkanized. Every election we have had swing states. Not this time though. This time everything just sort of got hollowed out red areas got redder and blue areas got bluerer. Something like that is generally the lightning flash before...
  3. KilroywasNOTHere

    United States 2024: United States Senate Dicussion Thread

    We are already at that point though dude. When was the last time anyone has given the constitution any real reverence besides some superficial victories that aren't likely to be reversed at some point. We aren't going to be able to vote our way out of this.
  4. KilroywasNOTHere

    United States 2024: United States Senate Dicussion Thread

    The Sooner the republic collapses the sooner we can rebuild and start over again without the money printer going brrrrrr frankly after seeing this crap show over the past 2 years I look forward to seeing the end of "muh democracy"
  5. KilroywasNOTHere

    United States 2024: United States Senate Dicussion Thread

    I have given up on everything. This latest election has shown me that Either A. everything is so helplessly corrupt beyond repair or B. The majority of people are...they are just lemmings and are happy to jump off the cliff without a parachute if it means their team wins. I'll give you a fair...
  6. KilroywasNOTHere

    United States 2024: United States Senate Dicussion Thread

    there is always a chance that I'm wrong about this it would not hurt my feelings if that were the case, but something about this smells all wrong, whether Desantis (or even trump) is in on this, or if everyone is being played, I don't see this going well for America First People if it hopes to...
  7. KilroywasNOTHere

    United States 2024: United States Senate Dicussion Thread

    because it's freaking FOX dude. Does nobody remember the fact that none of these politicians were populist until Trumps election made it clear MAGA wasn't just going away? Or how quickly People like Cruz turned on MAGA after Jan 6th (You cannot convince me that Jan 6th was not a GLOW job) if any...
  8. KilroywasNOTHere

    United States 2024: United States Senate Dicussion Thread

    Sure Fetterman maybe potentially be mentally infirm and can't make a coherent sentence, but at least he didn't do something as awful as.... DRESSING NICE!!!! *bum bum BUM!!!*
  9. KilroywasNOTHere

    United States 2024: United States Senate Dicussion Thread

    The president doesn't have the power that people want him to have (or I personally think he needs). As long as the system is the way it is, one man is only going to be able to do so much without allies, The problem is it's one man against an entire corrupt system that has managed to find it's...
  10. KilroywasNOTHere

    United States 2024: United States Senate Dicussion Thread

    I be that fool. Give the monarchies of old credit for one thing. History shows a bad king was fairly easy to get rid of at least compared to the Bannana Republics and military regimes that exist now.
  11. KilroywasNOTHere

    United States 2024: United States Senate Dicussion Thread

    for me this is the thing that was hard to swallow. Our system is every bit as corrupt authoritarian and destructive as the systems we've lambasted in the past and present. . With the added bonus of our system being so stupidly complex that it's even harder to get rid of any corruption or rot...
  12. KilroywasNOTHere

    United States 2024: United States Senate Dicussion Thread

    Yep we had a good run and honestly I think as long as we keep the bill of rights as a foundation, America in spirit will survive. Here is just hoping that whatever kind of leader rises up is actually held to the constitution next time.
  13. KilroywasNOTHere

    United States 2024: United States Senate Dicussion Thread

    Honestly this race proved to me that our society is too divided and that democracy (representative or otherwise) just does not work. I'm not going to go blackpilled per se as I do think society will bounce back eventually even if it has to rebirth like a Phoenix but congratulations monarchist...
  14. KilroywasNOTHere

    United States 2024: United States Senate Dicussion Thread

    do you know how long people have been saying that? since AT LEAST Obama.
  15. KilroywasNOTHere

    United States 2024: United States Senate Dicussion Thread

    the modern US electorate is what put us in this situation in the first place. Most can't even hold down a job for any significant period of time (Less than a month) and take far more out of society than they will ever put in. Wanting to "Tax the rich" While not paying in a dime. these people...
  16. KilroywasNOTHere

    United States 2024: United States Senate Dicussion Thread

    A soft secession hopefully a peaceful one caused by our governors and states getting a backbone. it's becoming increasingly clear that conservative America and progressive (IE Marxist America) cannot coexist with each other if it doesn't end peacefully and quite it's going to end loud and...
  17. KilroywasNOTHere

    United States 2024: United States Senate Dicussion Thread

    Personally I advocate for national divorce.
  18. KilroywasNOTHere

    United States 2024: United States Senate Dicussion Thread

    and what do you use to melt it down? "the people", the people are clearly weak and stupid
  19. KilroywasNOTHere

    United States 2024: United States Senate Dicussion Thread

    and what we have isn't like that now??? how many years of prosperity have we had compared to bubbles and recessions? for every 4 years of good times, we get 10 years of massive inflation and government spending that is a net negative. not even a net neutral. I heard an anolgy yesterday that's...
  20. KilroywasNOTHere

    United States 2024: United States Senate Dicussion Thread

    I'm for whatever will get the economy and the energy flowing again, no more inflation no more covid fear-mongering no more "Muh climate change" bullcrap.