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  1. J

    Wealth Cap

    It does admittedly also very much depend upon what perspective we are looking at things from as well. States are extremely large, old, varied things, and are at the intersection of a lot of theory, practice, and history too. The usefulness of a particular model depends a bit on what question is...
  2. J

    Wealth Cap

    I think then I come at this as much more of a "great men"/elite theory perspective, where the elite matter quite a bit, and the commoners much less so. Especially at the measure of the State, Pareto Principle, even the more extreme Price's Law. So, in a nation of 300 million, the Price's law...
  3. J

    Wealth Cap

    1) The point is about how best to conceive the State. You seem to be conceiving the State as Justice, which seems less realistic than conceiving it as a club. The question more comes down to where the legitimacy comes from for the State: do powerful people lend their legitimacy to the State...
  4. J

    Wealth Cap

    Well, this is about what is the proper way to conceive the state. Is it a tool people can seize, or is it better conceived of as a club of powerful people? I'm leaning towards the later, the earlier analogy that a State is the board the powerful play on. Or as I'm more claiming here, a club of...
  5. J

    Wealth Cap

    Hm, thinking on this (I've otherwise been very busy at work, so only now have a real chance to write this out), I would say the purpose of government is to organize and formalize the power of the, well, powerful. And thus make their power more effective. So, the role of a government is to...
  6. J

    Wealth Cap

    I am using arbitrary to mean more, culturally/situationally derived? The Power the US President wields vs the UK Prime minister are not laws of the universe, and are thus somewhat "arbitrary" and a product of local desires and assumptions. Arbitrary is probably too strong a word though, and may...
  7. J

    Wealth Cap

    Do you believe in the Libertarian King who through his absolute enlightened Libertarian rule bring about good liberal order? Or does Liberalism require the dispersal of political power, probably more dispersal than what we have now? How do you justify arbitrary limits to political power...
  8. J

    Wealth Cap

    Eh, this seems to increase inequality then by pre-emptiviely necapping the wealth generation of the lower and middle classes, and narrowing the numbers who increase their wealth to the lower upper class, while having a minimal effect on those who are already wealthy. Progressive taxes seems to...
  9. J

    Wealth Cap

    I guess I meant that in that its a massive increase in the scale of the Class of the truly powerful. Or at least, modify the nature of that class. The goal is not to get to equality, or prevent people from having immense wealth and power. Wealth and power being concentrated in the hands of the...
  10. J

    Wealth Cap

    I'm not really sure that works particularly well as an explanation, especially on the Progressive tax side, but within your anayolgy, a wealth limiter would be necessary, no? Eh, limiting intergenerational wealth is not only not really particularly doable, for the various reasons described...
  11. J

    Wealth Cap

    I'm not quite sure what this has to do with the current proposal. Maybe if you have a general anti government stance, maybe, but prior discussion with you do not give me the impression your a legit anarchist. Treasury doesn't necessarily have much of anything to do with this. I'm just not...
  12. J

    Wealth Cap

    Isnt the immense wealth concentration partially feed into the retardedness, for the various reasons described above? Sure, its no magic bullet, but I think a society with a (very high) wealth cap like described would be healthier than one without, for the various reasons described.
  13. J

    Wealth Cap

    Wouldn't making sure there are more elites, and more truly sovereign elites, be a benefit though? $200 billion dollar wealth cap, which would adjust annually in some manner for changes in GDP and inflation, is hardly outlawing Elites. Especially when that cap is not tied to a tax, or at least...
  14. J

    Wealth Cap

    Are overtime rules and term limits stealing? Are existing anti-monopoly rules stealing? If we believe in limiting the power any particular public figure can have, why not apply the principle to the private citizen?
  15. J

    Wealth Cap

    I've been thinking on this. Its obviously on a first step anti Libertarian, but and as any policy implemented, can be implemented badly, but I've been thinking about the principles behind it and its justifiability. The basic idea is a Wealth Cap at a fairly high level, for both corporations and...