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  1. Iconoclast

    The Great Reset and The Man Behind the Curtain

    The powers-that-be and the people with World Economic Forum memberships have just one question on their minds. It’s very simple. “How do we get Linkolapilled, with everyone riding bicycles and living in mixed-use zoning in walkable cities, but still make exactly as much money as we were making...
  2. Iconoclast

    The Great Reset and The Man Behind the Curtain

    You heard Jeremy Rifkin in that video, right? If we run out of fertilizer and arable land, then we can't have our "Zero Marginal Cost All-Renewable Steady-State Economy Third Industrial Revolution Fully Automated Luxury Communism Fourth Industrial Revolution", or whatever. They want...
  3. Iconoclast

    The Great Reset and The Man Behind the Curtain

    If you watch Jeremy Rifkin blather on for hours on end, you'd think he believed semiconductors grew on trees. :ROFLMAO: I suppose, to an extent, "techno-greens" assume that AI-based generative algorithms will cut down on development costs and allow for endless reiteration of "digital goods"...
  4. Iconoclast

    The Great Reset and The Man Behind the Curtain

    The essence of the Green claim is that additional growth beyond a certain point leads to a hidden cost to nature itself: Basically, the way the argument goes, if you have really cheap energy or goods, it’s only because you’re plundering natural...
  5. Iconoclast

    The Great Reset and The Man Behind the Curtain

    All this bullshit about "carbon footprints" is just a red herring anyway. They push CO2 as some kind of external enemy, when really, it's ordinary wage laborers that they have in their crosshairs. Let's face it. The climate change myth is nothing more than rich eugenicists pushing for...
  6. Iconoclast

    The Great Reset and The Man Behind the Curtain

    There's another thing I should mention. When I started running the numbers on degrowth, I realized that Gamesguy was basically right all along and greens basically wanted children to fucking starve. We can see the consequences of degrowth right in front of us with the COVID-19 lockdowns. Those...
  7. Iconoclast

    The Great Reset and The Man Behind the Curtain

    What would happen if there were two extant copies of you? Which body gets the soul, then? 🤔 I used to be a watermelon. If you asked me to go through one of those political compass tests, I'd come out the other side some flavor of "Green Syndicalist". I had a great time as a green syndicalist...
  8. Iconoclast

    The Great Reset and The Man Behind the Curtain

    Part 2: Yes and No. We are seeing the beginnings of this, with GPT-3 and Stable Diffusion starting to encroach on the territory of writers and artists, even in their primitive, nascent state. People on Twitter are wigging out, complaining about having their art styles and their livelihoods...
  9. Iconoclast

    The Great Reset and The Man Behind the Curtain

    Think, for a moment, about how eerily similar the crap we're seeing today is to what I was saying back in 2012 to 2014 on SB (which attracted so much controversy and had Gamesguy up my ass along with half of the moderator team). I'll go ahead and paraphrase what I said back then in block...
  10. Iconoclast

    The Great Reset and The Man Behind the Curtain

    It’s actually based on the title of a book, written by, yep, you guessed it, Yuval Noah Harari. He’s a transhumanist and believes that people will soon be made immortal through technology, et cetera.
  11. Iconoclast

    The Great Reset and The Man Behind the Curtain

    Not to necro too hard, but... oh my god. It's EXACTLY like that. I keep revisiting that bit of satire and comparing it to what we're actually seeing. Look at the push for "walkable cities" and "mixed-use development". It's almost like BreadTube-adjacent people are literally championing...
  12. Iconoclast

    The Great Reset and The Man Behind the Curtain

    I didn’t make the OP, @LifeisTiresome did. Something something, Klaus Schwab is a Transhumanist Techno-Nazi who wants us all to consoom, wear the mask, eat the bugs, and live in the pod.
  13. Iconoclast

    The Great Reset and The Man Behind the Curtain

    They don’t know how far the technocratic elites will take things. They assume that the future will be “capitalism as it is now, but better”. It’s not physically possible. Not with how large our population is and how sizable our material demands are. I’ve explained to people, over and over...
  14. Iconoclast

    The Great Reset and The Man Behind the Curtain

    I debated people about this constantly on SB. I proposed a technocratic system almost exactly like the one Schwab and the World Economic Forum are advancing. Eliminate cash, take people out of the countryside, stuff them in the cities, turn the cities into tightly-controlled green arcologies...