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  1. Husky_Khan

    Dungeons & Dragons Dragonlance... isn't dead?

    Grandma Margaret is getting spicy. Both promoting and shitting on Hasbro Dragonlance simultaneously. :sneaky: Also might have to check the above out... Furthermore...
  2. Husky_Khan

    Dungeons & Dragons Dragonlance... isn't dead?

    Well I think it's kind of unfair. I had a "Drizzt" phase when it came to reading fantasy novels. Lots of people did. They're entertaining books and I wouldn't discard them as trash. Sure I stopped reading Drizzt books but losing interest in stuff is normal. Maybe it's oriented towards new...
  3. Husky_Khan

    Dungeons & Dragons Dragonlance... isn't dead?

    Have you ever read any Margaret Weis/Tracy Hickman stuff or just sounding off on the genre for reasons? I haven't read any of her work myself but considering they're like older than Gandalf but still have a beloved readership I'm assuming they have some quality writing that keeps readers...
  4. Husky_Khan

    Dungeons & Dragons Dragonlance... isn't dead?

    I remember getting a discount coupon a few months ago for a Bookseller and thinking while I was there, of purchasing Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickmans new Dragonlance novel that was released. I wasn't the biggest reader of Dragonlance personally but I thought maybe it'd be nice to dive into...
  5. Husky_Khan

    Dungeons & Dragons Dragonlance... isn't dead?

    I usually just do napkin math to convert 2e monster stats to 5e. Like I subtract 2e THACO from 20 and maybe add one to get a 5e 'to hit/attack' stat. Ex. a THACO of 17 could be +3/4 to hit. And with Armor Class its something similar. For Armor Class I subtract the 2e number from ten and then add...
  6. Husky_Khan

    Dungeons & Dragons Dragonlance... isn't dead?

    As a long time DnD player I'd love to see a Dragonlance Setting book similar to the ones they've done with those MTG settings and Eberron. Dragonlance, Planescape and Dark Sun (just to check it out and see how such a radical setting can be adapted to 5e) wpuld be particular faves of mine. Plus...
  7. Husky_Khan

    Dungeons & Dragons Dragonlance... isn't dead?

    Apparently Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman dismissed their ten million dollar lawsuit against Wokeists of the Coast a few weeks ago and now with the lawsuit out of the way, the Dragonlance trilogy of novels is set to be released again by the duo with Wizards of the Coast support...