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  1. Husky_Khan

    Breaking News Lincoln Project Cofounder a sexually harassing gay pedophile

    Maybe he's a political mastermind trying to enact accelerationism... I dunno.
  2. Husky_Khan

    Breaking News Lincoln Project Cofounder a sexually harassing gay pedophile

    Patrick Wilson, the Confederate Flag owning Senior Member of the Lincoln Project had a very enlightening tweet the other day displaying his unique insider knowledge of the personal habits of inner Washington circles...
  3. Husky_Khan

    Breaking News Lincoln Project Cofounder a sexually harassing gay pedophile

    Please. No one asked for this... But at least the jokes write themselves. I wonder why their "gear store" had to be relaunched in the first place anyhow. 🤔
  4. Husky_Khan

    Breaking News Lincoln Project Cofounder a sexually harassing gay pedophile

    EXCLUSIVE BREAKING NEWS FROM THE NEW YORK TIMES! THE LINCOLN PROJECT ARE GRIFTERS!!! :eek: They did an investigation and everything! Wow... what big news! Journalism is back now that Trump is done oppressing journalists! 💩
  5. Husky_Khan

    Breaking News Lincoln Project Cofounder a sexually harassing gay pedophile

    I do like the top rated reply to that tweet though. They must've hidden the Lincoln Signal in a place no one would suspect...
  6. Husky_Khan

    Breaking News Lincoln Project Cofounder a sexually harassing gay pedophile

    Even their own people are admitting it's over.