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  1. Husky_Khan

    What If? Force Add: Die Hard 1 and 2

    Well I mean that last movie A Good Day to Die Hard was pretty balls, but I guess they did have a Mil-24 Helicopter Gunship though. But I remember in the end of Die Hard With a Vengeance the East German terrorists literally had a small army even at the end of the film and loaded with racks of...
  2. Husky_Khan

    What If? Force Add: Die Hard 1 and 2

    At the time of this post there are apparently 58 playable operators in Rainbow Six: Siege. Poor Hans Gruber, him and his merry band of eclectic terrorists is going to be significantly outnumbered. The Die Hard 2 terrorists might get a better chance, at least until Caveira gets a chance to have...