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  1. Husky_Khan

    Movies Forgettable Movie Remakes/Reboots.... Do you remember these movies?

    Well confession, I never saw Splash or Lost Boys either. No interest in either though I know some people who LOVE the latter movie. But yes, Road House is almost structured like a Western or other Wandering Hero archetype story (but done so well with its setting and characters to make it a...
  2. Husky_Khan

    Movies Forgettable Movie Remakes/Reboots.... Do you remember these movies?

    I liked the War of the Worlds remake. It was entertaining and dramatic and had some great scenes, plus it was more of an adaption of the source material like the 1953 version was. I definitely liked the 1953 version way more of course though obviously the 2005 version had some advantages thanks...
  3. Husky_Khan

    Movies Forgettable Movie Remakes/Reboots.... Do you remember these movies?

    So which forgettable remake of a fairly 80's movie are you all looking forward to? We have 1989's Road House which originally starred Patrick Swayze and Sam Elliot as badass bouncers liberating a town from an evil local millionaire...
  4. Husky_Khan

    Movies Forgettable Movie Remakes/Reboots.... Do you remember these movies?

    Funny Twitter thread I stumbled onto today since apparently 'Total Recall' is trending. Love the overwhelming responses and that ratio. :p
  5. Husky_Khan

    Movies Forgettable Movie Remakes/Reboots.... Do you remember these movies?

    I'll be honest, while some of these reboots were actually decentish or watchable or entertaining or whatever, even in those cases I don't think I ever gave any of these films a second watch. Like I could agree that the remakes of Magnificent Seven, Ben Hur and whatnot had their moments and...
  6. Husky_Khan

    Movies Forgettable Movie Remakes/Reboots.... Do you remember these movies?

    The original Robocop was fantastic you cretin. It was almost one of the most perfect action movies ever made, inasmuch as that there are so few movies that I feel match up to expectations so exactly. Like they marketed Robocop as a cybernetic cop policing a decadent and decaying Detroit at the...
  7. Husky_Khan

    Movies Forgettable Movie Remakes/Reboots.... Do you remember these movies?

    Robocop 2014 was pretty poop as well, let's be fair.
  8. Husky_Khan

    Movies Forgettable Movie Remakes/Reboots.... Do you remember these movies?

    Yeah and that's another thing. Even the "good" remakes as listed here, I never really bothered to watch them again. Ben Hur was surprisingly better then I thought it'd be and though it fell dramatically short of the original, it was still perfectly watchable. But I never bothered watching it...
  9. Husky_Khan

    Movies Forgettable Movie Remakes/Reboots.... Do you remember these movies?

    So... this is something I noticed as of late... how quickly remakes or reboots of somewhat iconic films have literally become completely forgotten within years... or even probably months of release. And keep in mind, this is for categorizing the forgettable remakes... not the occasional good...