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  1. Husky_Khan

    Command and Conquer

    Okay these April 1st Videos are getting out of control. Jethild is jumping on the bandwagon. Funpark? Really? Wait... it's not a parody?
  2. Husky_Khan

    Command and Conquer

    Yeah all of the Videos seem to have epic errors. They did one for Warhammer recently as well that I posted. My fave was how the NOD Scorpion Light Tank was at the near top of the list with 2760 hit points!!!1 Best to just stick with Jethild for serious lore stuff. But I like these videos...
  3. Husky_Khan

    Command and Conquer

    I wasn't expecting the next Tank Comparison video this channel was going to do would be a Command & Conquer one, but I am greatly pleased that it is. Ranking them by hit points.
  4. Husky_Khan

    Command and Conquer

    An even bigger announcement, that was actually announced. All seventeen Command & Conquer games available on Steam! The Command & Conquer Ultimate Collection. Command & Conquer Command & Conquer: The Covert...
  5. Husky_Khan

    Command and Conquer

    There's a low-key surprise sale on Command & Conquer RTS Games ATM on Steam. Prices are about 90% off normal for Command & Conquer 3 and Red Alert 3 and associated expansion packs for whatever reason. Sadly the...
  6. Husky_Khan

    Command and Conquer

    Uhhhh it can still be an abomination even if it's following trends.
  7. Husky_Khan

    Command and Conquer

    Command & Conquer Legions trailer.
  8. Husky_Khan

    Command and Conquer

    Command & Conquer Remastered is now on sale, from 19.99 to 12.99 on Steam, a humble discount of 35% off.
  9. Husky_Khan

    Command and Conquer

    Last weekend (September 26th 1995) was Command & Conquers 25th Birthday.
  10. Husky_Khan

    Command and Conquer

    No Strings Prd, a Youtuber who does older RTS lore videos among other things included plenty of CnC and even some Dune RTS content did a recap of some of his first impressions of the CnC Remastered in both campaign and multiplayer quickmatches. Seems mostly positive though he said there were...
  11. Husky_Khan

    Command and Conquer

    Thanks for the reminder Tiamat... Guess what releases today... Well again anyways... But better looking.
  12. Husky_Khan

    Command and Conquer

    Yeah there's a snippet in the video that seems to reference the secret giant ant missions will be making a return as well.
  13. Husky_Khan

    Command and Conquer

    I never actually played the original Command & Conquer games beyond one of the C&C Generals games. By the time I checked them out the original Command & Conquer and Red Alert looked so dated... Even when compared with the sexier (and simpler) Warcraft II. Consider me intrigued when I realized...