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  1. History Learner

    United States John Deere replaces striking employees with office workers!

    There is literally zero truth to any of this. What collapsed the Steel Belt was decisions at the corporate level, not by the Unions at all and the fact is this rhetoric comes from exactly the same sources that caused it in the first place. Specifically, the refusal to fund modernization plans...
  2. History Learner

    United States John Deere replaces striking employees with office workers!

    Not even a little bit, outside of perhaps the auto sector but even there the blame is shared by the Corporations themselves given their strategic decisions in the 1960s and 1970s. Doubling down on big, gas guzzling vehicles despite an Oil Crisis is a fucking stupid idea the Unions had no part in...
  3. History Learner

    United States John Deere replaces striking employees with office workers!

    Here’s to a Union victory and may it lead to a resurgence in unions in general. God above knows we need it desperately.
  4. History Learner

    United States John Deere replaces striking employees with office workers!

    Because OSHA has been intentionally crippled for sometime now; last year they were even barely investigating complaints to COVID in the first half of 2020.