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  1. GoldRanger

    To Hell With Space Elves: Misanthropy in Science Fiction

    It just reads like the alien guy himself is corrupt as fuck, and gets off on condemning entire civilizations for his own ego. So, basically, the average woke leftist writing out their wish fulfillment, disguised as a moral parable, disguised as a scifi story.
  2. GoldRanger

    To Hell With Space Elves: Misanthropy in Science Fiction

    I'm not sure I agree that it's a great measure. It's way too context-dependent and betrays the authors anthropocentric bias (and by proxy his disinterest in and rejection of genuine science fiction in favor of a pseudo-religious woke parable). But furthermore, the drivel about how humanity is...
  3. GoldRanger

    To Hell With Space Elves: Misanthropy in Science Fiction

    Wait, who am I supposed to agree with here? Because the guys reacting to the comic have excellent points. This type of story is usually a shitty self-insert anyway, the writer's way of ranting about their pet political issue ("humanity doesn't deserve to live because we're killing Dolphins" or...
  4. GoldRanger

    To Hell With Space Elves: Misanthropy in Science Fiction

    Humans have stopped killing each other? I must've slept longer than I thought...