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  1. GoldRanger

    Shitposter in Chief Mediates Friendlier Relations between Israel and the UAE

    I think I had manifest destiny confused with white man's burden.
  2. GoldRanger

    Shitposter in Chief Mediates Friendlier Relations between Israel and the UAE

    LOL, that's literally manifest destiny. The left is racist as hell this days, the evidence keeps piling up.
  3. GoldRanger

    Shitposter in Chief Mediates Friendlier Relations between Israel and the UAE

    I think that they're simply in love with academic models and "model UN" games that simply don't pass the test of reality. Then they try making up excuses why their models don't work, swearing it was yet another one time fluke, instead of creating a better model from scratch. I have no evidence...
  4. GoldRanger

    Shitposter in Chief Mediates Friendlier Relations between Israel and the UAE

    Here's another indirect answer to your question. This is Kerry 4 years ago, on video, saying that there's no way there can be peace in the middle east without the Palestinians.
  5. GoldRanger

    Shitposter in Chief Mediates Friendlier Relations between Israel and the UAE

    HAHAHA wow, what a bunch of bullshit. A major war between peer opponents somewhere around the world is just a matter of time, even for Europe (whether in 10 or 100 years, it will come).
  6. GoldRanger

    Shitposter in Chief Mediates Friendlier Relations between Israel and the UAE

    In other news, the Palestinians announced a day of rage following the agreements. Israel, of course, is horrified at this completely unprecedented declaration, and is trembling with fear of the consequences.