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  1. Evilutionary

    A Chance Encounter (Robotech/New Battlestar Galactica

    Well, nBSG's unforgivable crime is that it was the first TV series to do mid-season breaks that I know of and much fewer episodes per season. It sort of falls off a cliff in season 3 iirc (when the refugees settle down temporarily on the ice age planet) but some serious stupidity shows when the...
  2. Evilutionary

    A Chance Encounter (Robotech/New Battlestar Galactica

    ;) Might be true for written English, but in my experience for Brits (Southern whatever) is the only folks I've heard using more unnecessary abbreviated words, nicknames, and incomplete sentences are Australians (though I've seen or rather heard Australians give nicknames based on nicknames)...