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  1. Circle of Willis

    Biggest historical misconceptions?

    Yeah, I don't think this Halpin affair is some new revelation about Cleveland. Dude already had to deal with it in his lifetime, the revelations almost tanked his 1884 campaign. Cleveland fessed up to having had an affair with Halpin, paid child support and was judged for the sum of his...
  2. Circle of Willis

    Biggest historical misconceptions?

    Oh I don't intend to argue that the medieval period was a lost paradise either, a trend which I've seen in some right-wing traditionalist circles. But that is a much less common viewpoint than the opposite which I've discussed in greater detail, it basically isn't talked about at all offline...
  3. Circle of Willis

    Biggest historical misconceptions?

    Ah, well that would explain it. Chat is where this nonsense festers most obviously and virulently. But I've noticed it's starting to bleed into the timelines more and more in recent years until I stopped going to AH entirely (save for the occasional nostalgic look at an ancient timeline I...
  4. Circle of Willis

    Biggest historical misconceptions?

    Yeah, one of my profs mentioned it as an alternative explanation for what happened to Garfield like...last year, I think. You'd be surprised then, loads of normies seem to believe that the Civil War was a glorious anti-slavery crusade from start to finish (it may have ended that way but, as has...
  5. Circle of Willis

    Biggest historical misconceptions?

    Probably as difficult as it is being a fundamentalist Christian in modern Berkeley or Portland, maybe not even that bad if you happened to be a rich dude from an aristocratic background. We know, for example, that Thomas Aquinas bothered to think through & write down arguments for the existence...
  6. Circle of Willis

    Biggest historical misconceptions?

    Biggest one I can think of is the misconception that the Middle Ages were an absolute black hole of scientific progress, human rights and all that jazz where feudal lords whipped their serfs with the latter's own spines over the course of a 20-hour workday every day, even noble ladies & queens...