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  1. Circle of Willis

    WI: Feuillants prevail in the French Revolution

    I did mention Louisiana was Spanish in the OP. The problem I see with America wanting to make a grab for it (especially if they choose violence) is that not only is Spain not wrecked by the Revolutionary/Napoleonic Wars ITL, but they would still have their solid alliance with a France that...
  2. Circle of Willis

    WI: Feuillants prevail in the French Revolution

    Oh yeah, disease and the harsh working & environmental conditions on Saint-Domingue killed like 50% of the slaves who were sent there within a year of their arrival. If slavery is ever ended I don't think it's a huge leap to assume that the new freedmen are going to want to get off the island...
  3. Circle of Willis

    WI: Feuillants prevail in the French Revolution

    One more development springing from a Feuillant France I've thought of is that there'd almost certainly be a quicker end to slavery and probably also a lessening of future racial tensions. Historically the Haitian Revolution got out of control and ended with the genocide of white Haitians due in...
  4. Circle of Willis

    WI: Feuillants prevail in the French Revolution

    Agreed that the key to a Feuillant success would be to have L16 not nuke his own credibility with the Flight to Varennes and in general maintain a more compromising attitude. Even the Women's March on Versailles which directly precipitated the Flight wasn't all bad for the mainline Bourbons...
  5. Circle of Willis

    WI: Feuillants prevail in the French Revolution

    The most famous factions of the French Revolution's chaotic early years were the radical Jacobins and their slightly less radical Girondin rivals, who they destroyed in the Terror. However, long under-discussed in the threads on the Revolution that I have seen over the years were the Feuillants...