1. Chiron

    Russia(gate/bot) At what rate is NATO planning to invite in Ukraine? If NATO doesn't know, why is negotiating away a neutrality agreement a non-starter?

    1. True, but the military advantage was entirely with the Ukranians if they had but used it competently which they did not. 2. Ukraine had regular training from NATO military missions since the 90s. Apparently as with the Georgians, it was useless. 3. Going by their other forays, not really...
  2. Chiron

    Russia(gate/bot) At what rate is NATO planning to invite in Ukraine? If NATO doesn't know, why is negotiating away a neutrality agreement a non-starter?

    The Ukrainians will fold like a cheap suit. They got fought to a standstill by an ISIS grade force that just happened to have an effective Air Defense Force that removed the UAF from the equation. Even without air power it should have been an easy win for Ukraine, but US training was worthless...