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  1. C

    Urban Fantasy Im a vampire!
    Threadmarks: a bloody good photograph

    (X) find your safe house Cooley High School closed in 2010, It had been opened in 1927, the school had been bought by the twilight historical society for a song. It was now it was officially being renovated and turned into a museum that was open on the week ends. Paddy opens the door with a...
  2. C

    Urban Fantasy Im a vampire!
    Extras: Game mechanics

    You probally notice that you have two generation charts One for caine one for Lillith. The one for caine is how close your blood is to caines. The one for Lillith is how close your blood is to the dark mothers. Its possible to raise both but at some point you will be forced to make a...
  3. C

    Urban Fantasy Im a vampire!
    Threadmarks: The hard way

    (X) Find and kill the master of the vampire assasins The vampire blinks and stares at you. "well you have stones on you boyo." You grimace. "How tough is he?" "Most Dangerous Assamite in Detroit, but since theirs only seven of the blighters here I guess that's not saying much...thing...
  4. C

    Urban Fantasy Im a vampire!
    Threadmarks: Doomed

    (X) The boon of enlightment- You have achieved Golconda you no longer frenzy and need half as much blood your vampire budda and that means something Lillith raises an eyebrow. "Not what I expected." "How so?" "A chance to bask in the sun? To feel its kiss on your face again, raw power...
  5. C

    Urban Fantasy Im a vampire!

    (X) You get physical (X) You always say the wrong thing (X) You were a sailor start out with a boat! (X) NERD!- Start with max inteligence It was a pretty lousy moment....dying I mean. Apparently the Tremer wanted to try out some kind of experiment, and since hey your probally going to die...
  6. C

    Urban Fantasy Im a vampire!

    With experience you can bring up your weakness's or make yourself stronger, this is about your stats. In your low stats you start out with 1s below average but not crippled. In medium you start out with 2s which is average. High is 3s above human average. Lets take agents vote. If he...
  7. C

    Urban Fantasy Im a vampire!
    Threadmarks: Joining up with the edgy cool kids at the party

    (X) Male (X) Black (X) Bruha The prince of the city looks at you and nods. "Bruha." One of the seven vampires raises an eyebrow. "You will have to be careful, to control your temper to control your passon's." "Our passions make us strong." "They have also led to disaster in the past."...
  8. C

    Urban Fantasy Im a vampire!
    Threadmarks: Judgement

    (X)Betrayal of Cappidocian (X) You're not actually a Vampire (X) Detroit The prince of the city studies you. "Tell me what you know of the world." The other vampires stare at you. "There are three major fractions of vampire society, the Camarilia, the Sabat, and the Kuei-jin. The...
  9. C

    Urban Fantasy Im a vampire!

    its vampire the masquerade, world of darkness and thank you for voting.
  10. C

    Urban Fantasy Im a vampire!

    its a quest during the char gen stage
  11. C

    Urban Fantasy Im a vampire!
    Threadmarks: Player sheet

    The Main man- Name- Zero Gender- Male Ethicity- black Clan- Bruha Generation Caine- 12 Generation Lillith- 21 Sire- Its complicatied Atributes Physical Strength -3 Dexterity -3 Stamina -3 Social Charisma -1 Manipulation -1 Apearance -1 Mental Inteligence -5 Wits -2 Perception -2...
  12. C

    Urban Fantasy Im a vampire!
    Threadmarks: The nightmare begins

    Over all.... Today has been kind of a lousy day for you, and as you open your eyes you cant help but sigh as you notice the chains around your body the coffin your in is being wheeled over some where and darkness is falling. The prince of the city is going to have a look why because you did...