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  1. C

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    yep wasn't the first time progressives pulled that shit and wasnt the last either. Thats why you should always be suspecious of people who say their new ideology will solve everything.
  2. C

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    Activists in general have been fucking things up in america for how long?
  3. C

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    Ok realistically what is the goal? In my case the goal is atonomy I want to be able to exist in peace, and left alone. I want other people to enjoy the same thing, my path to acheiving this goal is to devolve power down to more local levels and have checks on the powers of powerful people. The...
  4. C

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    Aids sucks it sucks a lot, Im not going to pass blame i just want that disease gone.
  5. C

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    I accept you. I don't care if your strait, gay, or bi your a chill dude and that what matters to me.
  6. C

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    going to have to second a lot of this. I'm not a rich man I live in a used RV, when I put up Hannuka decorations and made little star of david cookies for the neighors the so called red necks around me were completely chill. The person who wreaked my decorations was a lefty who tried to blame...
  7. C

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    The thing is we are actually better off dealing with bible thumpers then marxists, christians are bound by a codified system of ethics that helps restrain that kind of personality and try to push it into constructive ends. Looking at the worlds great faiths it seems like most of them do at least...
  8. C

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    2. Have you ever been in a room with lots of mad women? dealing with one mad woman is not fun, dealing with multiple mad women all of them pissed off at you is expodentially worse.
  9. C

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    I firmly belive your people will take over the republican party and conservatism in america and when the red necks find out about it they will get on their knees and thank you for it.
  10. C

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    That is a lie. They dont get in trouble for that anymore.
  11. C

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    going to be honest living in cali is freaking hard theres like over 20 god damned pronouns and they just keep growing and it seems like their all demanded by the same 500 or so people.
  12. C

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    As much as Shadow annoys me at times He/she/Zer is correct on this issue, trans people have bee a thing for a good chunk of recorded features with India having a trans caste that is centuries old, and with some trans people becoming successful madams in the old west.
  13. C

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    you know maybe we should think about scrapping the FBI all together. It might be easier to do that then attempt to reform it.
  14. C

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    Also this is politics of opasition. We all agree to stop fucking with each other because the other guys are authoritarian assholes.
  15. C

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    Since your willing to back me on the issues I find important I am willing to back you on the stuff you want. Gay marrage has my support, I wish you the best.
  16. C

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    I want first amendment rights, second ammendment rights, the right to due process restored, and while were at it for the press to hold the democratic party to the same standard the republican party is held to. But if that isn't possible then I am gladly willing to accept having any cheating at...
  17. C

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    Look at the end of the day we have to accept that our politics are politics of opasition. We are a coalition of everyone that is not welcome in the insane woke world the democrats want to create which lets face it is going to be an ever growing majority of people because they have gone...
  18. C

    LGBT and the US Conservative Movement

    Ok what is the goal? And what part of the LGBT community are we talking about? If the goal is trying to restore tradition, the question is can the LGBT community make accomidations with tradition. I think the reply is yes but adjustments will have to be made. Gay marrage actually makes the...