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  1. C

    Religion Being Winsome and Nice Won’t Cut It Anymore, Christian

    Its a cultural thing. You have to remember that different parts of the america's were settled by different people who brought their cultures with them. New england or Yankeedom was started as a theocratic ethnostate, by Puritans who other puratians thought were too extreme. These were not...
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    Religion Being Winsome and Nice Won’t Cut It Anymore, Christian

    The Catholic church tended to treat native populations better then the conquistadors and often limited the worst abuse's. Put into the historical context they were by far the lesser evil when it comes to the Spanish empire.
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    Religion Being Winsome and Nice Won’t Cut It Anymore, Christian

    Not insulting you or saying your all in the wrong. But recent history has shown that assholes are going to asshole religon or not and in fact religion acts a restraining bolt keeping certain people from going full tilt crazy.
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    Religion Being Winsome and Nice Won’t Cut It Anymore, Christian

    I think time has shown that religion has its place in society. Take New England, it was started and remained for generations a theocratic ethnostate. It was hoped that a decline of religion would make the people of the region stop being control freak kill joys who seem to be offended by the...
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    Religion Being Winsome and Nice Won’t Cut It Anymore, Christian

    There is a whole lot of anti semitism on the left I mean a lot. They dont talk about it but its there and its bad.
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    Religion Being Winsome and Nice Won’t Cut It Anymore, Christian

    Going to slightly disagree, the leftist establishment is very welling to use jews as sheilds but has zero problems telling them to get fucked when nessary. Muslims are currently being used as a weapon against the majority power but I think both sides of that deal know one side is going to...
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    Religion Being Winsome and Nice Won’t Cut It Anymore, Christian

    America has cycles of religious revivials and secularism. We are likely due to have another religious awakening in the 2040s, my money your seeing the foundation of that movement happening right before your eyes.