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  1. CarlManvers2019

    Dresden Files Fanfic Ideas, Recommendations & Discussion Thread

    Speaking of MHI, well here’s a VERY small spoiler, apparently even the members of the Unseelie Accords don’t know that much regarding the human governments secret watchers And yeah, this is even with the White Court controlling many businessmen, celebrities and politicians The beginnings of...
  2. CarlManvers2019

    Dresden Files Fanfic Ideas, Recommendations & Discussion Thread

    Here’s one, wait for another 5-10 years, Jim Butcher is working with Larry Correia and Hidetaka Miyazaki for a new videogame after seeing Miyazaki start working with GRRM
  3. CarlManvers2019

    Dresden Files Fanfic Ideas, Recommendations & Discussion Thread

    Anybody here read Battlegrounds just yet? Because only one thing really surprised or weirded me out at the end....lets just say I don’t ship it
  4. CarlManvers2019

    Dresden Files Fanfic Ideas, Recommendations & Discussion Thread

    Idea: By some accident or on purpose, Harry does NOT accidentally break the First Law of magic and somehow kills Justin DuMorne with say, a piece of wood, glass, stone, steel or whatever as a desperate act to kill him As a result, Harry's not sorta persecuted as a possible-Warlock and has less...
  5. CarlManvers2019

    Dresden Files Fanfic Ideas, Recommendations & Discussion Thread

    Okay, since PA’s got no real character to use, I think I know one or two series that could work Ever read Kengan Asura/Omega and Luther Strode? Both have...
  6. CarlManvers2019

    Dresden Files Fanfic Ideas, Recommendations & Discussion Thread

    An Irontide that will flood through the world. Unlike the Flood that God sent to punish Man and the other Floods that occurred in other mythologies, it's obviously not composed of water. Harry Dresden as a Signatory of The Accords? And the only wizard in the world who gets to use Youtube and...
  7. CarlManvers2019

    Dresden Files Fanfic Ideas, Recommendations & Discussion Thread

    Given how few Dresden fics there are, I noticed on SB that Worm was the most crossed for it Kinda different from the usual Worm cross, but I like Eidolon as an MC, guy's a glass cannon for a mysterious...
  8. CarlManvers2019

    Dresden Files Fanfic Ideas, Recommendations & Discussion Thread

    As the title says, this is a thread for anyone who wants to make fanfics, recommend them or talk about canon or speculate about stuff that could be used in fanfics amongst other things Dresden Files-related TBH, I think Dresden Files doesn't have enough love in-terms of fanfics, so hopefully...