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  1. CarlManvers2019

    Validity of Left-Right Divide Concerns

    And to think I got this from reading Atlas Shrugged’s tvtropes page
  2. CarlManvers2019

    Validity of Left-Right Divide Concerns

    You know what, maybe if that’s the case, then I guess people have to pretend they’re incapable or crippled or “not too able” lest they end up having more worked piled onto them specifically Though I guess those several will force those two to do their work I guess there’s a reason Gulags are...
  3. CarlManvers2019

    Validity of Left-Right Divide Concerns

    If not tradition, at least a sense of consistency especially when it comes to holding yourself to your own insane standards and actually recognizing faults in others regardless of how you’d end up looking like a “bigot” for pointing it out
  4. CarlManvers2019

    Validity of Left-Right Divide Concerns

    I think there’s the problem in that many “progressives” are actually Regressives They do NOT care about minorities, if they did they would take issue with sexism and homophobia by muslims or black-on-black crime No, they’re Narcissistic Sociopaths who like feigning compassion as a way to beat...
  5. CarlManvers2019

    Validity of Left-Right Divide Concerns

    Honestly, I think the sort of heavily romanticized "traditional" small-town religious Butlerian-Jihad community focused sort of society could possibly drive an individual crazy And also be way too restrictive to the point that even the guys of Baen Books would be considered "highly immoral" for...
  6. CarlManvers2019

    Validity of Left-Right Divide Concerns Given this is a thing....I can understand why even Trans would be wary of actually transitioning